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That unwelcome awakening came one night when I was paged to emergency because a woman I’d fucked a week before had come in with a pain in her pussy that only ‘ Evan with the blue eyes ’ could treat.

I have yet to live that down.

Chloe slides her hand along my thigh until she’s inching my fingers out of the way to grab my dick. “You have one hell of a bedside manner.”

I groan when she slides her palm up and down in steady, even strokes. “I could say the same for you.”

“Are you a doctor?” She follows that question up with a dip of her head and a soft lick to the tip of my cock. “What’s your last name, Evan?”

I part my lips to confess that it’s Scott. I don’t give two fucks if she knows my name, my address and my social security number.

I’d give her anything for the chance to shoot my load down her throat.

All I can manage is a guttural growl when she takes me in her mouth and moans around my dick.


“Evan, we need to talk.” Jordan steps in front of me just as I’m about to slip out of the locker room after a twelve-hour shift.

I’ve been pulling long days since I saw Chloe a week ago. As much as I want to exchange numbers with her, I didn’t ask.

I’m not one for analyzing myself but I hate the bitter sting of rejection and after the mind-blowing sex we had, I’d be bruised if she would have shut me down by not giving me her number.

I let her walk out of that hotel room with a kiss and nothing more. I haven’t been back to the Roasting Point Café since that night. Since she hasn’t shown up here at the hospital, I take that to mean that she didn’t bother to drop by the hospital reception desk looking for a tall, dark and handsome doctor named Evan.

She might have done an online search but that would have netted nothing. I don’t do social media and I’m not listed in the online directory at the private practice I work at because my boss sees me as a rank amateur even though I have more skill than he’ll ever possess.

“What do you want, Jordan?” I glance down at his canary yellow socks. “I see that your tailor is still up to his old tricks.”

“These are the same pants I was wearing last week.” He shakes a leg. “I can give you his number. I’ll have you know that I scored wearing this very outfit.”

“Scored what?” I roll my hand in the air with impatience. “What exactly did you score other than a draft up your pant leg?”

“Kylie and I did it.”

The concept is so foreign that I push aside the suggestion that he had sex with Dr. Newman. “You did what with Kylie?”

He cocks a brow and winks at me.

I scowl because that’s about as fucked up as life can get. “You slept with Kylie?”

“Neither of us slept if you know what I mean.” He elbows me in the side. “I need to tell you what happened while that was going on.”

I tug a gray hoodie on as I shake my head. “You need to shut the hell up. I don’t want to hear it, Jordan. Have a little respect for Kylie.”

He laughs. “I’m not going to tell you how good it was, Evan, and it was good.”

“You just did you bastard.” I push past him. “I have to face Kylie on a daily basis. I don’t think she’d appreciate the fact that I know about her sex life. She’s like a sister to me, Jordan.”

He grabs my shoulder just as I’m about to take another step. “The condom broke.”

I look back at his face. “It happens. Kylie seems like the type to use backup protection.”

He doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he studies my face. “You don’t get it. The condom broke because it was old, Evan. It expired three years ago.”

I break out into a low chuckle. “You could have picked up a fresh package on your way to dinner, man. Why in the hell would you use a rubber that old?”

He inches his face closer to mine. “I haven’t bought a package in years. I always carry one in my wallet. The one I was using with Kylie was the second in the pack.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic