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I scan his face slowly putting two-and-two together.


“You had the first one, Evan.” He points out the obvious. “I’m sure it’s fine and all, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

I scrub my hand over the back of my neck doing the mental math on when I first fucked Chloe. I have no clue what her cycle is and whether she’s missed a period or not.

“I need to go.” I stalk toward the exit of the locker room hoping like hell that the condom I used with her held strong and that

she’s taken care of birth control on her end.

Chapter 20


I sit at my desk and stare out the window at the building next door. I could draw the pattern of bricks in my sleep. There’s nothing unusual about it, but it’s familiar and that’s something that I’ve always needed in my life.

“You’re daydreaming again?” Gabi steps into my office. “This Evan guy must be something else.”

He is.

I haven’t seen him in days but that hasn’t stopped me from thinking about him on an hourly basis.

I used the sparse details I know about him to try and locate him online. I came up empty handed. After I searched for doctors named Evan, I broadened the scope of my mission to uncover his identity.

Combing through the staff directories at a few of the hospitals in the city was futile. It didn’t take me long to realize that I have no idea whether he’s a doctor or not. For all I know he’s an x-ray technician or an orderly.

I don’t care what he does for a living. I doubt that he cares what I do.

“I like him,” I admit when she takes a seat in front of my desk. “We have a lot of fun together.”

She tugs at the bottom of her hair. “Are you dating him or is it more of a casual thing?”

“Is that a diplomatic way of asking if we’re sleeping together?”

She sits up in the chair, crossing her legs at the knee. “You haven’t talked about him a lot and I know from the security guard in the lobby that you’re here past ten on most nights, so I’m assuming that your time with him is limited to time spent in bed.”

“You’d make a great detective.” I laugh as I lean back. “That’s exactly what it is. We meet to hook-up.”

“And you’re fine with that?” Curiosity laces her words.

“That surprises you?” I volley back. “Why does it surprise you?”

She heaves a sigh. “Your track record.”

Those words should sting but they don’t. She doesn’t mean it as an insult. She’s stating the truth. “Sometimes a person needs to try out a new track. I’m doing that with Evan.”

The corners of her mouth rise. “A new track is exciting but sometimes it comes with twists and turns we can’t predict.”

“Isn’t that part of the adventure? You see where it takes you and you can take one of those turns if you want to get off that track and onto a new one.”

“You’ve never had a fuck buddy, Chloe.” She grips the arm of the chair in her hand. “The number one rule is not to invest your heart in that person.”

I scoff at the idea that I’m doing that. “I’m keeping my heart locked up tight. This is fun and that’s all it is.”

She pushes to stand. “Feelings have a way of showing up when you least expect them to. Don’t lose sight of that. The last thing you need is to be hurt again.”

“You know that I love that you look out for me but I’m a big girl and I’m going to enjoy the fun of this while it lasts.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic