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I cringed. “I know. But there’s been an accident, and it might be really serious. I really can’t make it.”

“I don’t know what to s—”

“If you want a shot at ten percent of my fee, you’ll call them now and explain,” I said firmly, remembering that Alexa worked for me and not the other way around.

A heavy sigh on the other end of the line let me know I’d won this round. “Fine, I’ll try. But no promises. I hope whoever’s been hurt is okay, and just know that if you’re lying to me, I will find you, and I will kill you.”

I laughed ruefully. “I wish it was a lie, Alexa, I really do. Let me know how it goes. See ya.”

When the call ended, Hugh looked over me, appearing impressed despite himself. “Thanks for doing that. Cameron would appreciate it.”

“I can’t leave him,” I said simply, and for a while we continued to drive in a slightly less awkward silence than before.

“Say,” Hugh said with a note of curiosity in his voice, and I braced myself for more questions about my list. “What’s your car’s name again?”

Oh, God. I flushed scarlet and gave a quick prayer for a sinkhole to appear so I could fall into it and die. Nothing happened, so I was forced to answer.

“Er, the car’s a rental, it doesn’t have a name,” I said, hoping to God that he’d buy it.

“I don’t think so,” he said, now failing to contain his chuckling. “That device you wanted to connect to. That App.”

“Oh, fine. It’s Camvis, okay?”

“Cam and Davis, huh. It’s better than okay, it’s amazing.” He openly laughed at me. “Although I might have suggested HughM—”

“Shut up,” I snapped, and he did as he was told. For a moment.

“So, Davis and Moore had a ring to it. Or, for a play on words, what about More of Davis? Davis is morish?” He chuckled to himself.

I started tapping the steering wheel in frustration.

“You really did miss us while you were living the high life in LA? Given you named your voice-activated phone servant after us. Most people stick with Siri.”

“Of course I missed you. I said I did. And I’d miss you even more if I went back, now I know exactly what I’d be missing.” I raised an eyebrow at Hugh. “I do want more of the same.”

Hugh flushed slightly as we both remembered how amazing our time together had been. “But you didn’t cancel the meeting with the TV folks. You only delayed it.”

That was a heavily loaded statement, and it stung. “I’m doing what I can, Hugh. I need time to think things through, and I’m not getting any. Whatever happens, I’m going to be making massive life-changing decisions. I need time.”

“I get it. I can only think when I’m alone, too. But I just don’t understand how there’s any contest between some dumb show and us.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to understand. But honestly, that is not the sum total of the dilemma.”

It was true; I didn’t think Hugh could comprehend having a disconnect between his head and his heart. He seemed so certain of right and wrong. I was messier than that, I guess. “But for what it’s worth, the idea of staying here is very appealing. I just hope that Cameron is okay.”

“You and me both,” he said as we pulled into the hospital parking lot.

We practically ran into reception and asked about Cameron at the desk.

“Are you family?”

“Yes. I’m his brother,” Hugh snapped back without any hesitation. Proving even my honest reporter can lie when motivated to.

He’s in surgery,” the receptionist told us. “Please, have a seat, and we’ll let you know as soon as we have any information.”

We took a pair of hard plastic seats in the waiting room, and I bit my nails down to the quick.

Hugh took to tapping out tunes with his feet until I grabbed his leg and stopped him.

I wanted to talk, to explain my reasoning behind every bullet point on my list, and find out if he had any ideas for how I could get everything I wanted. If anyone could solve my problem it would be logical, methodical Hugh. But he was still too angry; I sensed I needed to let it lie for now.

Someone sat opposite us, and as I looked up all the heat was sucked from the room and I shivered. Elijah.




“Hm.” I turned my nose up at him. Childish, yes, but I was too tired and too pissed off with the world to be mature right now.

“What you here for?”

Hugh and I both hesitated, and I decided to let him take the lead. “Cameron’s been in a bad accident. He’s in surgery. We’re waiting to hear how he is. You?”

“Wife’s stubbed her toe, dumb bitch.”

I recoiled at his heartless words.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic