Page 65 of Savage (The End 1)

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He brought her down from her release and moved between her thighs. He didn’t have a condom. They weren’t exactly necessary on their mission of survival. It wasn’t the best plan pulling out of her, but for now, he would have to. Pressing his lips against hers, he stared down into her eyes.

“Are you ready?”

Chapter Forty-Two

Surrender had never been sweeter

Malachi was harder than he’d ever been. His cock throbbed, and all he wanted to do was bottom out inside of Sasha. A groan left him at the image that thought conjured up. The only thing that mattered right now was this woman, claiming her, making her see, hear … feel that she was his.

Despite the nonexistent lighting, he could see her looking at his body, could practically feel the desire pouring from her.

He let her look her fill, let her stare at his tattoos, at the scars that lined his body from another life, another world.

His scars had helped him rise to the top. They were from being shot at because of drug deals gone bad, from men fighting over territory, and this world wasn’t much different, he supposed. It was still dangerous, still violent and desperate, but right here and now there wasn’t anything standing in their way except each other.

He reached out, took her nape in his hand, and pulled her forward. Sasha gasped out when her chest slammed into his, and then she braced her hands on his chest. His cock jerked from the softness of her, from the sweet floral scent of her. They’d bathed in a creek just earlier today, and she smelled of wildflowers and clean air.

Lowering his head toward hers, he claimed her mouth with his, licked and sucked at her tongue when she opened for him, and groaned against her lips. He slipped his hand between their bodies and touched her, nearly coming from that alone.

She was hot and sweet, and surrendered herself to him like no other. When she pushed him away, taking a step back was really fucking hard. But she wasn’t stopping this, he could see that on her face, in her expression.

“Malachi.” She whispered his name.

He wanted rough and raw, hard and possessive with her, but right now they had to be careful, had to be quiet.

“I want this.”

He swallowed hard and moved his hand down to rub his palm over his erection. The damn thing was liable to explode if he didn’t add a little bit of pressure to the bastard. He could have gotten off just from looking at her. Malachi wrapped his hand around his cock at the sight of her, of her perfect, round breasts, at the way her nipples were pink and hard. A low growl left him, and her eyes widened.

He took in her body, every damn glorious inch of her, and possessive need slammed into him. Sasha was his, and he was about to claim her in a way he had never done with another woman.

Her breathing was hectic and erratic, and her breasts rose and fell because of the action. She was tiny and innocent in all ways, with her dark hair hanging loose around her shoulders, slightly curled at the ends.

And her tits. Fuck, her tits were glorious.

Damn, he was hard.

Malachi lowered his gaze to her pussy with a thatch of short, dark hair covering it. And before he could move any closer, to finally have her, Sasha was lowering herself to her knees in front of him. Malachi parted his lips and breathed in deeply when she wrapped her small hand around his cock.

“Fuck, Sasha.” His voice was strained.

She stared at his face and licked her lips. “I’ve been thinking about this for longer than I even want to admit.” Her voice shook a little, and although she was taking the initiative right now, he was in control. He knew that. She knew that.

Cupping the side of her face, he smoothed his fingers over her lips. A strangled noise left him when she parted her lips, her focus still on him, and took the head into the hot, wet confines of her mouth. Malachi growled low and reached out to wrap his hand around her hair. The strands felt soft against his fingers.

He closed his eyes, and let his head fall back slightly as ecstasy consumed him. She took as much as she could, hollowed out her cheeks, and relaxed her throat.

“God, you are sucking my cock so damn good, baby.”

She made a humming noise around him, and he groaned. The head of his erection nudged the back of her throat, but she didn’t give up. Over and over she brought him to the brink of coming, and when she reached down and took his balls in one hand, gave them a squeeze that bordered on pain, and licked at the thick vein that ran underneath his length, that he nearly lost it.

Tags: Jenika Snow, Sam Crescent The End Romance