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“Hmm. Having an orgasm in public,” she said, not hesitating.

“Oh really?” he asked, intrigued now. “How public?”

“People everywhere. What about you? Any unfulfilled fantasies I can take care of for you?” she asked, voice soft now.

“A couple, actually. Well, actually, one of them would be impossible. Never mind.”

Tilting her head to look at him now, she said, “Impossible?”

“Yeah. I’d be incredibly interested in seeing you with a woman, but we did agree to no other sexual partners,” he said.

Staring at him for a moment, she said, “Our agreement doesn’t exclude a little hot make out though, right?”

His eyes widened and he said, “I don’t think it was explicitly discu

ssed, but I am one hundred percent certain that I’d make an allowance so long as I could watch.”

“Yeah?” she asked.

He nodded immediately.

Smiling, she said, “Noted for the future. What’s the one that I can help with?”

“The one you will be helping me with,” he said, “is the one where I fuck you senselessly on the bow of my boat in broad daylight.”

“I was kind of hoping we’d do that at some point. When you had your shirt off and we were lying on the bow, I wanted to lick every inch of you. I feel like that could translate nicely into boat sex,” she said with a grin.

“Count on it,” he said.

Smiling, she said, “Now I’m sure to have some pretty great dreams.”

Tilting her chin up, he pressed his lips to hers briefly.

Once their mouths parted, she rolled over on her side facing away from him. He rolled behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

“Night,” she said, a smile creeping across her face.

Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he said, “Night, baby.”

Chapter 14

By the time he walked in the door, he was completely wiped out. He immediately walked into the bedroom and dumped the dirty clothes out of his suitcase and into the laundry basket. Laying his suits across the chair in the corner, he made a note to take them for dry cleaning on Monday.

Stripping off the rest of his clothes, he walked into the bathroom, dropped off his toiletry kit, then turned the shower on. His flight had been delayed. He hadn’t even left Phoenix until almost 10:00 p.m.

The trip home had been utterly fucking miserable, too. He hadn’t been able to upgrade to business class, so he’d been stuck in between a mother with a screaming baby and a chatty old man. He was just thankful that it had been a short flight, because he was pretty sure he’d just gotten a glimpse into hell.

Moving to stand under the steamy spray, he was grateful to be home.

He’d had a couple of conversations with Chloe when he’d been gone, but only for a few minutes at a time. He’d been looking forward to her coming over tonight but when it became clear he wasn’t getting home until pretty late, they revised their plans.

Instead, they had plans to go to the beach tomorrow, so she’d be over around eight. It was probably for the best that he didn’t have to wake her up anyway, he thought with a grin. Her reaction the other morning when the alarm had gone off at 4:00 a.m. had been priceless. She’d thrown a pillow over her head and gone right back to sleep, grumbling at him.

She’d been a little more responsive when he said good-bye. She’d blinked at him then given him a kiss and told him to fly safe. Then she’d thrown the pillow back over her head and gone immediately back to sleep with a grumble. Chloe was apparently not a morning person. Her level of grumpiness was laughable.

Turning off the water, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed his towel. Drying off, he slid on a pair of gym shorts, then immediately crawled into bed. Idly wishing Chloe had come over tonight, he rolled over and set his alarm clock for seven thirty. Thoughts of Chloe running through his mind, he proceeded to pass out.

When the alarm went off the next day, he was feeling much more human now. Eager to start the day, he got ready. Chloe had promised lunch, so he said he’d provide breakfast. Looking through his fridge, he determined that they’d be most likely hitting a drive-thru on the way, because there was literally nothing in it.

Tags: Michelle Roth Private Relations Paranormal