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He considered that for a moment and said, “Well, then I guess I can mark it off mine too.”

“I typically try to refrain from asking about previous partners, but now I really want to know. Is that the first time you’ve done that?” she asked.

“I’ve done a little tying up, but that’s really about it. Honestly, I don’t think any of my previous partners would have been into the idea, but I didn’t even feel comfortable enough to ask them. You’re the only one that I’ve really explored this side of myself with,” he said.

Ignoring the feeling that surged through her at his admission, she asked him, “How did you feel about it?”

She was incredibly curious now that she realized he wasn’t as experienced as she’d suspected with this whole dominance thing. She figured since this was sexually based in nature, it didn’t qualify as nagging. What guy didn’t want to talk about sex after all?

“I wasn’t sure how I’d like,” he said, honestly. “I don’t particularly want to hurt you, ya know?”

Turning on his side now to face her, he said, “But once it was clear that you were enjoying yourself, it really turned me on. Seeing my palm prints on your ass was pretty fucking hot. What about you? Did it live up to your lofty expectations?”

Considering, she said, “It’s not something I would necessarily want to do every day, but I really enjoyed it. Who’d have thought I’d want a little pain with my pleasure? There’s something insanely sexy about that. I don’t know that I’d want to do that with another partner. There’s just something about us together that makes me feel safe enough to indulge that side of myself.”

Holding her hand up, she said, “And don’t get offended that I called you safe, please. It doesn’t mean at all the same thing as it did last time.”

He crassly said, “Considering my cum is currently dripping down your thighs, I’ll overlook it.”

She made a face as if to say, “Really?”

He ignored the look and continued on, saying, “I trust you more than I’ve trusted my previous partners. I feel less apprehensive about your reactions. I understand what you mean when you say safe.”

Nodding, she agreed, “That’s exactly it.”

Rubbing his hand gently across her butt, he asked, “Still hurt?”

Shaking head, she said, “It’s a foreign sensation, but I wouldn’t say it hurts. I am definitely aware that it’s there though.”

He adjusted to move under the covers and gestured for her to join him.

She scooted herself under the covers next to him and then said, “Three whole days.”

Grimacing, he said, “Yep, three whole days. Have anything fun planned?”

“Yeah. It’s gonna be crazy. I’ll go home and do all this homework I have, maybe hang out with my brother,” she said, laughing at herself.

He snorted at her and then said, “We really need to talk about this wayward behavior of yours.”

“I know. Sometimes I just go a little crazy,” she said, yawning.

Stroking his hand through her hair, he asked, “So do I get to keep you tonight or are you leaving me?”

Eyeing him, she asked, “What time are you leaving for the airport?”

“Like, 5:00 a.m.,” he mumbled.

Really laughing now, she said, “I’m not getting up at 5:00 a.m. So, I’ll be taking my leave tonight.”

Pausing, he said, “I could give you a spare key. You could just lock up when you leave if you wanted?”

“Hmm,” she said noncommittally, her lids drooping.

“For some strange reason, it turns out your terrible snoring lulls me into a peaceful night’s sleep,” he said, sounding mildly confused.

Her eyes shot open now. Raising her eyebrow at him, she said, “Sure, since you put it that way.”

“Anything else on your sexual bucket list you feel like telling me about?” he asked, blinking drowsily.

Tags: Michelle Roth Private Relations Paranormal