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“Yes, yes, yes! I accept your invitation to be your secondary wedding planner,” I practically screamed into the phone. That was me, the perpetual planner, and I loved it.

“I knew you’d be psyched.”

“I don’t know if you can hear me grinning, but I’m grinning.” I strutted deeper inside my entrance hall with a little shimmy in my hips.

“You have great taste, and I know your organizational skills are the best. We would have asked you to oversee everything, but you have enough on your plate as it is.”

I pouted. “I really do, but thanks for the vote of confidence.”

My brother proposed to his fiancée on the Fourth of July, and they’d recently decided on the wedding date.

“I’ll discuss some things directly with your wedding planner so you don’t have to explain things twice,” I said.

“Thanks for doing this.”

“My pleasure.” Did I mention that I loved planning weddings? I helped with our cousin’s but had been too caught up with the store when Ryker got married. That one ended up being a double wedding, because Skye had just discovered she was pregnant, so I was even more upset that I hadn’t been involved in the planning. I had plenty of experience in organizing events, because my family hosted a few charity events each year. They were elaborate galas we held in a ballroom, and weddings were similar, except there was so much heart in them. I couldn’t wait for Cole’s.

After ending the call, I took out my laptop and made myself comfortable in the chair in my living room. I loved my home. The apartment was nothing special except that it was the right size for me and had become my very own relaxation oasis. It was a mix between bohemian and hippie, with bamboo coffee tables and dining set and frilly, colorful pillows stacked on the couch and the armchair. I had a huge bow lamp hanging right overhead in a mix of brass and silver. My armchair was one of those fancy ones with a remote. I lifted my legs, leaning all the way back and starting the massage function while I searched for wedding locations online.

I was startled when my phone vibrated on the armrest. Glancing down, I saw it was a message from Liam.

Liam: Tess, I can shift things around in the afternoon. Does five o’clock work?

I double-checked with Skye first, who replied instantly that it was okay.

I texted Liam next.

Tess: Yes, five o’clock works for both of us. How much time do you have? I think we’ll need two solid hours.

Liam: I’ve cleared the whole evening. We can go to dinner after that.

Hmm. Did he mean this as a business dinner...or not?

Tess: Skye has to be back home right after the meeting.

Liam: You and I can go. I know a great place for dinner. And another kiss.

And just like that, my whole body was on fire. I smiled, pressing a fluffy pillow against my chest.

Tess: I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Liam: The dinner or the kiss?

Tess: Both.

The next time my phone buzzed, it was with an incoming call.

“If I take the kiss out of the equation, is that a yes to dinner?” he asked.

“My God, you’re a great negotiator.”

“I know.” The sudden roughness to his voice did nothing to help me stay strong.

“Liam...let’s just focus on getting to an agreement tomorrow, okay?”

After a brief pause, he said, “Whatever makes you comfortable.”

“Thanks.” I kind of hoped he’d press me more, because I knew it wouldn’t take much to make me say yes, but honestly, this was for the best. I still wasn’t sure how we could work together and date. But I wanted it so, so much.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance