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“I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you two,” she added before disconnecting the call.

I turned to Skye. “Okay, so I’ll email Liam, since I was the one who met with him.”


bsp; “And you kissed him.”

“Well, technically, he kissed me.”

She was smiling. Hell, I was smiling, because I usually lived for details, and I recounted every date, even painted a vivid picture of any guy I liked. But things were complicated with Liam.

I sent him an email right away, asking for another meeting and attaching the version of the document Skye and I had worked on.

“Okay, this was a productive day!” she exclaimed.

“I know, right? Want me to peel some of those oranges?” I pointed to the untouched bag I brought.

Skye pouted. “I say we’re productive and you want to celebrate with fruit, not scones? Who are you, and what have you done with my sister?”

“Well, I was just trying to do the right thing.”

Before I could add anything else, Rob arrived.

“Hey, Tess.”


He kissed my sister and his son, then stared at the bag of fruit.

“Tess, you brought that?” he asked.

“Yup. Couldn’t talk her into eating any, though. Maybe you can help me convince her?”

He nodded. “Leave it to me.”

“Oh great. Now you’re ganging up on me,” Skye griped.

I winked at Rob before standing up from the couch. It was time for me to go. As much as I loved spending time with them, I didn’t want to be a third wheel or impose.

My heart gave a mighty sigh watching the three of them just being so happy together. One day, I was going to have a little family of my own; I was sure of it.

I was pretty hopeful and romantic, even though my dating life wasn’t giving me reasons to be that way. But hey, being positive and optimistic had always been my way of life, and it helped propel me in difficult times, such as when we’d just opened the store and worked crazy hours.

I had a lot of love to give—though sometimes I thought it was too much and it might be overbearing—and I wanted to share it with someone.

I headed straight home afterward, and just as I entered my apartment, my phone buzzed.

It was my brother Cole. I plugged in my earbuds before answering so I could go about taking off my shoes and my coat. Even though it was only the third week of September, the weather had changed fast.

“Hey, Sis,” he greeted.


“I have a question for you, and you can of course say no.”

“That’s a strange way to start a conversation.”

“As you know, Laney and I finally set a wedding date. We’ve also found a wedding planner, but we’d love your input in the organization. You did such a great job with Josie and Hunter’s wedding—”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance