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Tess sighed. “Liam, charming me is not on the table.”

“We said no talking shop, so charming you is absolutely on the table. How else can I win you over?”

I was far too close again, touching her lower back.

Tess drew in a sharp breath, pointing at me. “You’re flirty again.”


Her mouth formed an O, and it took all my willpower not to lean in even closer. What was it about Tess that made me so impulsive? I was calculated and liked to plan everything, yet I canceled a meeting at the last minute without a second thought.

“Don’t. It can get messy.”

“I agree. But I can’t stop myself. Every time I see you, I tell myself I’ll do better. And every time, I fail.”

“Liam...” She shook her head, glancing around. “So, where’s that breakfast place?”

“Come on, I’ll show you.”

After a five-minute walk, we reached a small restaurant that could only seat about ten people at a time. David, Becca, and I were regulars here. Besides the great food, the vibe was also relaxing with armchairs next to floor-to-ceiling shelves full of books. I led Tess to a round table in one of their nooks. We had complete privacy here. She hesitated, looking down at her feet, fidgeting in her spot.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Okay, so I’ve thought about it. Charming is on the table. But nothing else.”

“Are you sure?” I teased.

“Yes. This is about establishing trust, and—”

“I meant are you sure you can keep it to just being charming? What if your inappropriate side kicks in?”


“You’re lucky I find that side of you adorable.”

She blushed but held my gaze, as if determined to make a point. After a few seconds of eye contact, she looked down, twiddling with the strap of her bag.

I spoke in her ear. “Sit down, Tess. Let’s order food.”

I didn’t want to make any promises, because I was sure I’d break them all. Outside the confines of the office, it was even more difficult to keep this insane attraction in check.

I heard her sharp intake of breath before she sat in one of the chairs. I sat in the other and ordered my usual selection when the waiter came.

Tess asked for a cheese platter and some special coffee with many extras.

“Let me just check on Skye,” she murmured once the waiter left, typing on her phone. “She was supposed to be done by now. I really hope it’s nothing serious.”

Damn, this woman was too sweet.

After a moment, her phone chimed, and she focused on the screen. She smiled from ear to ear, sighing. “Yes! She just typed back. Doctor confirmed it was just colic. He’s okay, just cranky.”

“Is he your only nephew?”

“Yes. I have a niece named Avery and also another niece, the daughter of my brother-in-law’s sister.”

“I’m losing track.”

She grinned. “Already? I didn’t even give you a rundown of the whole family.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance