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“This is more like it.” Without taking his eyes off me, he held up the black lace lingerie. “Put this on. Then get dressed.”

I wiggled my eyebrows, laughing. Rob slipped his free hand in my robe, palming my breast. Pushing down my robe, he kissed the other breast, teasing my nipple with his tongue.

I tugged at his hair greedily, wanting more of whatever he planned to do. I didn’t even need to know. I was on board with everything. Except with the fact that he stopped kissing and touching the very next second.

I pouted. “What are you doing?”

“Put them on,” he said. “Or we’ll never eat.”

“Fine, I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

Gathering the dress too, I headed upstairs.

“Why don’t you change here?” Rob asked.

“My clothes are upstairs.”

“I’ll come with you.”

I waggled a finger. “No, no. You stay here.”

Rob grinned from ear to ear. “Still don’t trust me?”

“Nah, just don’t trust myself right now.”

I noticed Rob’s grin widen before I raced up the stairs. In my room, I glanced at the sheets once and felt my face explode in a grin.

Alone in my bathroom, I had to make a concerted effort not to grin. How was I supposed to apply lipstick this way? After dabbing some on my lips, I pressed them together, forcing my mouth in a serious expression. Bingo! To my dismay, the second I parted my lips, I discovered I’d transferred half the lipstick to my teeth.

Oh my God, and it was the waterproof type, which meant my teeth needed a vigorous brushing before it would come off. Then I decided I wasn’t going to apply lipstick again. I put on a simple black dress and black flats.

Back downstairs, Rob was buttoning up his shirt. Ah, it was slightly crumpled, since I’d tugged at it like a madwoman, but I was surprised his pants were still barely wrinkled. All in all, he had a just-fucked look about him. I loved it.

My purse clinked against the railing, and Rob looked up. His eyes darkened. Mission accomplished. Entering the room, I twirled once, slowly. His eyes were even darker when I faced him again. I picked up his tie from the couch, tying it around his neck.

“It’s not a very formal place, my house,” he said.

“Hey. I want the tie.”

He curled his lips in a smile. I would have thought nothing about it... except it had a dangerous edge to it.

“What?” I asked.

“Imagining how it would look wrapped around your wrists.”

Holy shit. The visual caused heat to curl through me. Even my fingers prickled on the fabric of the tie.

“Shall we?” I batted my eyelashes, taking a step back and dangling my purse in front of me.

“Show me what you’ve got,” I teased once we were inside his house. His eyes flashed. Oh, heavens.

“After you.”

Rob placed his hands on my shoulders, leading me to the barstool at the kitchen island.

“What are you doing?” I inquired.

“Making sure you have a great time.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance