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I changed into a light pink summer dress and white flats. Underneath, I wore a pink bra with soft padding. My breasts were tender, so these bras were my go-to these days. I didn’t have many side effects from the pregnancy yet. The initial exhaustion had worn off (or I’d become better at managing it), but Tess and I were figuring out a system where I focused more on the online side and generally took over tasks I could do from home. The business wasn’t yet at the point where I could just take months off, but the plan was for me to do tasks that didn’t require me to go into the city every day, at least for a while, and especially after the baby was here.

We’d figure it out.

Rob was waiting for me downstairs, already dressed to go. I took a second at the top of the stairs just to drink him in. His black jeans were somehow making his butt even sexier than usual—kudos to the designer. And that shirt he had on... yum.

When I joined him, I realized he held up a jacket for me.

“It’s not cold,” I said.

“But it might get cold later.”

I laughed; I just couldn’t help myself. “Rob, it’s the hottest fall in years. I’m sure I won’t need it.”

“You never know. I need to take care of you.” He touched my belly, kissing my forehead. “Both of you.”

And just like that, he won me over. How could I say no?

The restaurant was full when we arrived. Wait a second. I spotted Mom, Mick, and Tess at the bar.

“What is—” I started to ask Rob, but my words faded when I noticed that Cole, Ryker, Heather, and Avery were next to them. A few feet away, Josie and Hunter waved at me.

“Oh, the whole family is here?” I asked, mystified. That was when I noticed Anne and Lindsay too. “And your family. Are we celebrating something?”

“We sure are, babe. We didn’t get a chance to celebrate this.” He touched my belly.

“Oh, okay.” Of course, what was I thinking?

Since we’d told everyone already, and we’d met every member of our families at least once in the past few weeks and had celebrated with them individually, I still thought it was a little odd. Just three days ago, we met with my siblings and Hunter to discuss the upcoming gala, and we all toasted to the news. But I loved every opportunity to gather with our families, so I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Rob led us to the back room, where the small tables had been arranged into a long one. It was just our group in here. There were already bags hung around the backs of the chairs, meaning at least part of the group had been inside. They’d just been waiting at the bar for the wow effect. I loved all this.

Rob held a chair for me, and I sat down along with everyone else. Servers came in with an assortment of drinks, pouring water, wine, and sparkling wine. After they left, Rob rose to his feet. Grabbing a fork, he gently tapped it against his water glass.

He was going to give a speech?

“Thank you, everyone, for coming here tonight. As you all know, Skye and I have something huge to celebrate. We’re happy that in seven months, we’ll welcome a baby boy or girl. I know everyone’s already making bets on what it’s going to be.”

“Hear, hear,” Cole said.

“Not bets,” Ryker corrected. “Just giving our opinion... based on the fifty-fifty odds in our family.”

Mom laughed, but the whole table went silent when Rob half turned to me. I shoved my chair back a little so I could look at him properly.

“Skye, I’ve thought about this moment for a long time, even before we knew you were pregnant. Imagining life with you was easy. But this moment? This took planning. I first thought about taking you away for a weekend, but...

I know it will mean more to us if it happens here, in front of both our families.”

He took my left hand in his. Oh my God. He was holding a ring! A sapphire in a rose gold setting. He was going to propose. My heart swelled.

“Skye, you’re everything to me. I love you so—” His voice caught. The emotion in it made my eyes misty. “—so much. Marry me, babe.”

He sounded as if he’d wanted to say more but decided not to because his voice was too undependable.

I swallowed the emotion in my throat, rising to my feet. I touched his cheek with one hand, holding out the other one, fingers splayed.

“Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you.”

I laughed as the ring went on my finger, then touched his face with both hands.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance