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“That’s what I let you think.”

I gripped her hips, lowering her onto me slowly, watching her face transform with pleasure. When I was all the way in, I let go of her hips, pushing myself up on an elbow. She undulated her hips in a fast rhythm while I explored her upper body with my hand and mouth. Her skin was so smooth, her scent maddening. The sound of our bodies moving filled the space. I felt more connected to her than ever. There was no feeling more perfect than being entwined like this with her. She belonged to me, and I was going to remind her of that every day. I was going to make her mine every day, bring her pleasure and happiness.

When she threw her head back, crying out my name, I nearly came. She was pulsing tight around me. Lifting her hips a few inches, I pressed one thumb just above her clit, driving inside her from below. I wanted to own every drop of pleasure, and I did. When my sensitive woman came yet again, I succumbed to my own climax too, calling out her name and pushing so deep inside her that my vision blurred. My breath stuttered as every muscle cramped and burned.

She leaned forward until her forehead touched my chest. “You bad, bad man,” she chastised.


“How am I supposed to concentrate on customers when every time I look at this couch, I’ll remember this?”

“That’s the point, Skye. I want to be on your mind all the time.”

Laughing, she kissed my neck, stretching over me. “Mission more than accomplished.”

Chapter Thirty


Three weeks later

“I can’t believe I’ve ordered so much stuff,” I said, looking at the pile of things in what was still the guest room but would be the baby’s room. I’d moved into Rob’s house. God, I loved this place so much. I’d loved it even before I helped sell it to him, but now it was our place.

Currently, there were bags and boxes everywhere, containing everything from furniture to toys to clothes (for me), and more clothes (for the baby), and God knew what else. Between the wish lists I made with Mom, Tess, and Lindsay and Anne, I went way overboard.

Couples usually waited until twelve weeks to announce the news, but it was impossible to keep such a secret in my family. And once I’d told them, I couldn’t hold back from buying all these pretty things.

Rob hooked an arm around my waist from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

“I love you, despite your newly developed shopaholic tendencies.”

I’d have blamed it on the nesting period, except I’d read that only set in during the last two months of pregnancy. I must have had an early case....

“Too late to back out now.”

“That’s right.”

“I think I might have gone overboard.”

In response, he just patted my right ass cheek right before pinching it lightly. I turned around. Grinning, I took a mini step back, surveying him.

“What?” he asked.

“Deciding where to pinch you.” I drew my fingers down his chest, narrowing my eyes as if I was seriously considering it, even though I knew what my target was all along. When I reached his navel, I moved my hands to the side and down, right to his ass cheeks, giving each a good pinch.

“There,” I said casually, as if I was checking if they were still there.

Rob chuckled, but his eyes snapped fire. He splayed his big hand over the side of my face, resting his thumb at the corner of my mouth.

“Come on, beautiful, or you’ll go in hangry mode before we’re even at the restaurant.” We were having dinner at Rob’s restaurant in Tribeca.

I pouted. “I don’t understand why we have to go anywhere. I have the chef right here.” Batting my eyelashes, I added, “We can stay in. You’ll cook, and I’ll be your sous-chef. I can even be your naked sous-chef if you want.”

The corners of his mouth twitched. He skimmed one hand at the small of my back, pressing me against him. The air between us charged. His gaze dropped to my lips. I had him, I was sure of it.

Clearing his throat, he shook his head. “Not tonight. Come on, dress up.”

He was passing up my naked sous-chef offer? Something wasn’t right, but I didn’t push any further. Taking my hand, he led me out of the room.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance