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My heart stops. I know it’s terrible of me to eavesdrop, but I can’t peel myself away, though this is one of those moments when my ability to make myself invisible is required. Instead, I’m rooted to the spot, forcing myself to breathe in and out. If Blake wants to take this woman upstairs and have his wicked way with her...

“I can wait for you to lock up,” the woman says.

Stay put, Clara. Stay cool as a cucumber. Going out with women is his right, and it shouldn’t be a big deal to me. It shouldn’t matter at all. But it does, damn it, even though he’s not mine. Yes, we kissed and had some hot fun, but it’s not like we made each other any promises. Maybe it was a one-time thing, and I just didn’t realize it.

“And then we can go upstairs. Like in the old days,” she continues.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest as I hold my breath, waiting for Blake’s answer. Please say no. Please, please say no.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, Sarah, but it’s not going to happen.”

“Aww, what a pity. I’d ask why, but I don’t want to hear you telling me you’re off the market. It would be a stab to my ego, knowing I wasn’t the one to tame you. It was good to see you, Blake.”

“Take care.”

I keep my ears peeled and hear the front door opening and closing, then Blake’s footsteps heading away from the bar, presumably to lock the door and turn the sign to closed.

My mind is reeling, and I feel a huge wave of relief crashing over me. I take a few steps back, planning to hover around the back room for a minute or two, so Blake doesn’t put two and two together. Unfortunately, Blake himself steps

into the room.

He takes one glance at me and just knows.

“You listened.” It isn’t a question. I’m pretty sure he can read the relief on my face. I nod, keeping my gaze focused on the top button of his polo shirt.

“And you’re avoiding my eyes because…?”

I chance a glance upward. “Why did you turn her down?”

“Because I’m not interested.” After a beat, he says, “You think I’d touch you the way I did on Saturday and then hook up with someone else?”

I can’t find my voice so I just move my weight from one foot to the other, feeling like a fool. Blake closes the distance between us, raising one hand. He rests the pad of his thumb on my jawline, close to my earlobe. His other fingers go into my hair. He brings me closer, lowering his mouth to my ear. “I’m only interested in one woman. You.” He feathers his lips on my cheek, sending all my senses into a tailspin.

“I feel a little silly,” I admit. My voice is shaking with joy and relief.

“Don’t.” He kisses my temple, holding me close to him. “But I will need you to give me more credit than that.” He hugs me even closer as I nod against his chest.

“I thought...maybe it was a one-time thing, and I didn’t realize it.”

“It wasn’t a one-time thing. And just so we’re clear, I don’t want you just in my bed. I want you in my life.”

“You’re a sweet talker, Blake Bennett, and you’re so good at it. Can you do it some more?”

Snuggling against him with my entire body, I soak in all of that goodness and warmth, and at the same time my fingers press into his back, feeling him up. I’m an excellent multitasker if I do say so myself.

“I mean it.” He pushes me away a few inches so he can look down at me. I swear to God, I will melt right here in his arms. “I don’t share, and I’d never ask you to either.”


“So we’re clear on this front?” His eyes are full of determination and heat.


He seals his mouth against mine and I sigh, bracing my hands on his strong arms. Something shifted between us just now, and it fills me with a giddy happiness, so I’m going to hold on to it.

“Go upstairs. I’m going to close here and prepare everything for tomorrow,” he says when we pull apart.

“I’ll help.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance