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“I’ll take care of it later,” he rasps, while planting his lips on my inner thigh. He nuzzles my skin with his mouth, tracing a line until he reaches the side of my knee. Raising my bent leg, he swipes his tongue over the sensitive skin at the back of it. Bliss and torment course through me at the same time. I’m going to break out of my skin if he doesn’t take me soon.

“See?” he asks, satisfied. “Sweet spot.”

“I’m so aroused that every inch of skin is a sweet spot,” I murmur. “You’d better hurry up, mister, or I‘ll make love to your face or fingers. I don’t mind either.”

“You threatin’ me?” he asks.


“I guess I have to tease you some more.” His scorching-hot mouth continues back up my thighs, resting above my folds.

“You’ll pay for it. You’ll—”

Pushing my panties to one side, he sucks my clit gently into his mouth, and I forget my words, enjoying every second of the sweet torture. Desperate for more, I shove my hand in his hair, tugging at it all the way to the roots. Unexpectedly, he pushes himself up on his elbows, taking my hand.

“What are you doing?” I ask. The look in his eyes is raw and primal, oozing masculinity in a way that turns my knees to mush. He pushes down my panties and does away with my bra. Next, he discards his own clothing and leads us to the side of the couch.

When we’re in front of the armrest, he says, “Turn around.”

“You’re bossy,” I challenge.

“That’s right. Turn around. I want you from behind. I want to feel your sweet ass against me when I’m buried inside you.”

Oh, God. My insides clench almost painfully, heat pooling low in my body. I do as he says. When my back is to him, he nudges my thighs open with his knee, spreading me for him, and says, “Lean forward and don’t look back.”

Licking my lips, I obey, resting my hands on the arm of the couch. My ass is almost pressing against his crotch. He grips my ass cheeks with his hands, parting them slightly. The anticipation is nearly undoing me. When I feel him dip his tongue once between my cheeks, a jolt of heat sears me from my center all the way to my toes. My knees buckle violently, almost giving way.

“Eric,” I hiss through gritted teeth, my breath coming out in heavy pants. He feathers his mouth over my spine, starting at the base and then tracing all the way to the back of my neck. He’s only a breath away from me, teasing me.

“You’re so sexy, Pippa,” he says with a groan. “I like seeing you all flushed and ready for me.”

He drags his tip up and down the seam of my sex, slapping my clit. Shards of need pierce me with every gentle slap. He’ll be the death of me….

“We don’t need a condom,” I whisper. “I started taking birth control pills ten days ago.”

Eric kisses the side of my neck, and every fiber of my body screams for him.

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“Yes. Unless you don’t want to… I’m clean. I got tested a while ago,” I say quickly.

“Of course I want to. I’m clean too, but this is a big step. I want you to be sure about it.”

I melt, remembering this man didn’t bring a condom on the boat because he didn’t want to rush things.

“I am,” I say. “Completely sure.”

“You drive me crazy, Pippa.” His words come out more like a groan.

My center pulses with anticipation when Eric takes my hips in a possessive grip, slamming into me. The sensation of him stretching me, filling me more with each stroke, causes pleasure to radiate through my very bones. The sound of his hips slapping against my ass is as much a turn-on as hearing him call my name in the throes of passion. His voice, hoarse and masculine, spurs something deep inside me.

Kissing my neck, he brings one hand to my clit, pressing his fingers against it.

“Right there. That’s so good.” I rasp the words, fervently looking for more. The pulse of my orgasm forms inside me already. Panting, I give in to the sensations he awakens inside me, until my inner muscles close in around him, and I cry out. Eric finds his release while I’m still quivering in his arms.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Mmm, better than okay.” I push away a strand of hair that sticks to my sweaty forehead. “I’m trying to decide which name fits you better, Master of Pleasure or Master of Orgasms.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance