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“Then drive faster, Callahan,” I challenge. “Can you do that for me?” The skin on my entire body tingles. I can’t believe all it takes for me to ache for him is some sexy banter.


I will never know how we made it inside my apartment.

“Your couch is about to see some very X-rated action,” Eric says, lowering me on it.

“I think it can take it,” I assure him. “It’s a naughty couch, like its owner.”

“Oh, you’re not just naughty.” He brushes his thumb against my temple, kissing the tip of my nose. “You’re feisty and sexy.”

“Admit it,” I say. “I’m perfect.”

He pauses a beat before answering in a serious tone, “You are.”

Levering himself over me, Eric brushes his mouth against mine, then gently nips with his teeth at my lower lip. His eyes sparkle with desire, and something deeper.

“I love having you in my arms, Pippa. You belong here.”

I quiver under him with unspoken emotions. I needed so much to hear that. Eric’s grip on my waist tightens, and he sighs against my neck. The muscles on his arms tense under my touch.

“What’s wrong?”

“You make me want to give you more.”

“More what?” I ask, confused.

“More of me. The trouble is, I loved and lost, and I don’t know what’s left of me.”

This moment is so real and raw that it almost frightens me. As does the realization that he has my heart, I have his, and neither of us knows what to do about it. I take his hand, turning it palm up and planting a kiss in the center, watching him all the while.


ll find out together,” I whisper. “You have so much to offer, Eric, and you have given me so much already.”

There’s uncertainty in his eyes, and I know that words alone won’t change that. I resolve to show him, in every way I can. He smiles and nods, but his vulnerability is almost palpable, and all my instincts want to put him at ease. That’s why I kiss the corner of his lips, adding, “I like what I’m seeing so far.”

“You do, huh?”

“Yeah. A man who is loving and caring.” I kiss down his chin, his faint stubble grazing my lips. “It doesn’t hurt that you have a hot body too,” I add as an afterthought, and his face instantly lights up with the Cheshire Cat grin I love so much.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re sweet talking me so you can use my body. You’re taking advantage of me.”

“Who knows,” I tease. “Maybe I am. But I do really like you, though.”

“I suppose that makes it all right.” Eric laces his fingers with mine, pushing my arms against the couch. The corded muscles of his thighs press my legs together. He’s trapping me beneath him, and he leans in to a deep kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth tenderly for long minutes, until I whimper with need and desire. He moves down my neck, nipping and biting me gently. I roll my hips in to him, beyond aroused, but Eric merely shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips.

Staring me straight in the eyes, he presses the head of his erection against my thigh. I fight to keep my composure, but my shallow breath gives me away. When he rubs himself slowly—oh, so slowly—against me, I nearly lose it.

“Oh, God.” I lick my lips, writhing under him, the feel of his hot length against my skin almost too much. “I need you.”

Eric takes off my shirt and jeans, nudging my knees open with his, and then he slides back, kissing my neck before descending to my breasts. My nipples pucker, begging for his attention, but he ignores them, sliding further down. The bastard. He stops at my navel, swiping his tongue over it. The gesture sends deliciously hot and cold shivers all over my skin. He moves to my thighs, completely ignoring my throbbing center.

“What are you doing?” I ask him.

“Discovering your sweet spots,” he answers without hesitation.

“You missed the most important one,” I joke, pointing to my clit.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance