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Emotion clogs my throat, but I know he understands how much this means to me. All I can do to show my gratitude is nod and lean forward, searching for his lips. He kisses me again, tenderly at first, but it quickly spirals out of control.

“I have a problem,” I whisper, smiling against his mouth. “My body won’t listen to reason.”

Eric chuckles. “I will give you what you need, and I will make it so good you’ll ache for days.” The promise in his voice prompts a new wave of heat that I feel in every inch of my body. Pushing himself back in a sitting position, he peels the top and bottoms of the bikini off me with exquisite slowness.

“You’re shaved clean.” His words come out more as a groan.

“All ready for you,” I tease.

Eric turns his attention to my boobs, taking one puckered nipple in his mouth, running his tongue over it, driving me crazy. He moves on to the other breast, lavishing it with even more attention. He traces the skin on the underside of my breasts with his tongue, and I involuntarily arch my hips against him. I’m so turned on I can barely form a thought. When he finally seals his lips over my nipple, while flicking his fingers over my other hard, sensitive nub, I almost lose it. Can someone orgasm just from foreplay? Because I might. The sensations are so intense I will combust.

“I want to kiss you here, Pippa.” He nudges my legs apart, cupping between them.

My body arches at his mere words. “Do it.” I lick my lips as he lowers himself until he’s inches away from my core. Feeling bold, I hitch one leg over his shoulder, giving him better access.

“Feisty,” he murmurs. “I like it. Look at you, all dripping and ready.”

“Too much talking,” I tease, my breath wavering. “Prove it.”

He rubs his fingers up and down my folds, deliberately avoiding my clit. I writhe and tremble, my toes curling in anticipation. I draw in my breath as he lowers his head, planting his lips straight on my slick spot.

“Eric.” I grit out his name, fisting his hair with one hand. This man is a wizard with his tongue. I’m so aroused I might come in one minute flat. His tongue circles my clit again and again, driving me crazy. At the same time, he slips one finger inside me. I clench around him, panting. Tiny beads of sweat form on my temples as he slides in a second finger, stretching me. Every nerve inside me flexes in anticipation, need splintering me. He moves his fingers in and out of me, then curves them in a motion that drives me crazy. I am close… so close. Abruptly, he pulls his fingers out, leaving me empty and exposed.

“No,” I protest. “What—oh!”

Eric blows a breath on my hot flesh. As the cold air reaches my drenched sex, I curl my hands into fists.

“I love seeing you like this,” he murmurs. “All wild and hot.”

Eric startles me by letting out a groan. That’s when I notice that one of his hands is inside his boxers, moving up and down. Oh, my. Seeing him touch himself while his mouth is on me does unspeakable things to me.

He licks me once from my entrance up to my clit. Every swipe of his tongue brings me closer to my release. I ride the wave of pleasure until every inch of my skin is on fire. My climax sears me, and I moan and writhe, his name on my lips. Eric lies next to me on the couch, placing one palm on my chest, which is rising and falling with every heavy breath I take.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” he whispers in my ear. I cuddle against him, needing the warmth of his body, and that’s when I feel his erection against me.

“He’s happy,” I tease.

“Yes, he is.”

“I want to make him even happier,” I announce.

“Bad idea,” Eric mouths. “I’ll want you even more.”

I pout, looking down at his boxers. “If you say so.”

“Stop pouting, or I won’t stop imagining those gorgeous lips of yours somewhere else.”

“Your call,” I say.

“Come here.” He pulls me against him in a loving embrace.

“You prefer cuddling over an orgasm? You’re a strange man.”

“I want to feel you up.” He cups one of my ass cheeks with his strong hand. “I’m an opportunist.”

I pinch his shoulder. We can’t keep our hands off each other, and I love it.

“I love your smile,” Eric says. “You look happy.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance