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“I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” I state, even though he knows this.

“Couldn’t tell you or I would have spoiled the surprise. There’s always skinny dipping.”

I fold my arms over my chest, tapping my foot. “That’s an indecent proposition for a nondate.”

“I figured you might say that, so I bought a suit for you.”

He jams his hand inside the basket again and retrieves a light yellow bathing suit.

“Impressive,” I admit. “What else do you have stuffed in there? A white rabbit?” Condoms, my dirty mind supplies. By the loaded look Eric gives me, he knows exactly what I’m thinking. Blushing, I take the suit from him and inspect the label of the top, which is precisely my size. “Did Alice tell you my size?”

“You’re offending me. I could tell your size by looking at you. Today wasn’t the only day I studied you.”

And behold the return of the blush. This time, the heat spreads to my neck as well. Eric takes in my reaction to him with satisfaction. I lick my lips, stubbornly holding his gaze, until it becomes too much.

“Right,” I say. “Will you change too?”

“Sure. When you do.” He points to some swimming shorts on the driver’s seat.

“Turn around, so I can change. I’ll do the same.”

He does as I ask, and I change quickly, half-expecting him to turn around and kiss me senseless. Except he doesn’t. I can’t decide if he’s being a tease or a gentleman.

“Done,” I announce.

We both turn around at the same time. His gaze is so intense that my knees nearly buckle. His eyes travel up and down my body, leaving no room for interpretation. This man wants me, and the knowledge sets my nerve endings on fire.

“After you,” he says in a low voice, pointing to the small metal ladder that leads into the water. I walk past him, intending to climb down, but I stumble over my own feet and grab both his arms for support. I clumsily pull myself straight and accidentally brush my breasts across his chest. A moan slips past my mouth, as Eric sucks in a sharp breath. We both lose control at the same time.

Cupping my cheek with one hand, Eric pulls me so close to his face we nearly touch. Then he covers my mouth in a raw kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth greedily while his hand slides into my hair. His other hand grips my waist, flattening me against him. I can feel his heartbeat, strong and furious. I can feel something else too, his hot and hard erection pressed against my belly. I become putty in his hands and, driven by blind need, I grind against him. Eric digs his nails in to my skin and cups my ass with both hands, pushing himself hard against me.

“I want you so much it hurts,” he says as we pull apart to breathe before we lock lips again. Lost in his kiss, I barely notice that we’re moving backward. When we reach the couch, we tumble over it, and a striking sound followed by a splash startles me. I pull back, looking around wildly.

“The snorkeling goggles fell in the water,” I remark.

“I don’t give a damn,” Eric says. “I want you.” He leans his forehead against mine, breathing hard against my lips. “You’re all that matters.

” He claims my mouth again. First, he swipes his tongue over my lips, sending a jolt of heat right between my thighs. When he deepens the kiss with unrestrained passion, I become so aroused I barely know what to do with myself. “I’ll never have enough of your lips. You taste so good.”

Pushing my knees apart, he settles between them. I lean back, propping myself up on my elbows on the couch. Eric caresses one of my inner thighs with his fingers, turning my skin to goose bumps. He lowers one hand, stroking me with one finger over my bikini. I moan, shuddering at his touch.

“You’re soaked,” he whispers.

I drag my tongue across my lower lip, letting out a shaky breath. “I need you.”

He strokes me again, and I wantonly curve against his fingers.

“Greedy girl.”

“More, Eric. I need more. I need everything. Now.”

He stops the caress and moves over me, watching me intensely. His chest is shaking lightly, as if he can barely restrain himself from taking me.

“I didn’t bring any condoms,” he says.

“What? Why?”

“It’s a good way to curb the temptation. I don’t want to rush things with you.” Touching my cheek, he says, “I want you to be ready and trust me completely when we make love. You’ve been through a lot, and I want you to be absolutely sure.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance