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“Henchman?” Blake says, his face stricken. “I’m better than that. If there’s a Batman-Robin situation here, I want to be Batman.”

“You’re drifting off the point, Blake,” Logan remarks.

“Why are you so pissed off?” I ask Logan.

“Because this asshat was hitting on my secretary,” he informs me, pointing with his thumb at Blake and darting him a menacing glare. “You will not sleep with anyone on my floor.”

“Can you repeat that, please? I haven’t heard it the first twenty times you said it.” Blake looks bored. “I wasn’t hitting on her. I was being polite. You’re tenser than usual, brother. If I hadn’t had firsthand evidence of Nadine’s sexual appetite, I’d say she’s keeping you on the dry.”

I stare at them. “What is going on?”

“I caught Nadine preparing herself to give him a striptease in his office months ago,” Blake says, clearly proud of himself. Logan sets his jaw. Oh, man. It’s only their first week of working together.

“How often will you repeat that story?” Logan asks him.

“Ideally, I’d tell every family member individually, in your presence, just to see your expression.”

“Time-out,” I say, looking from one to the other. “Logan, you can leave me with Blake now. We’ll have everything finished in about an hour.”

After Logan leaves, Blake points to my cookies. “I couldn’t help but notice that those are from a certain Boston import.”

“So?” I challenge.

“I want to make sure I don’t have to kick anyone’s ass,” Blake answers.

I let out a loud whistle. “This is usually Sebastian’s role. Are you channeling him?”

“That’s twice you offended me today, sister,” Blake says with humor. “And I look much better in a suit than Sebastian does, anyway. My ass is much sexier.” He leans forward over the desk. “Ask your girls here. They’ve been checking me out since I arrived.”

Scanning the room, I realize he’s right. At least three of the girls are looking at him with a dangerous longing, practically drooling.

“You are not sleeping with anyone in my department,” I warn him, barely moving my lips.

Blake sighs. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but let’s start with the budget. If I hear that warning one more time, I might lose my good humor and actually become Logan.”


After finishing with Blake, I talk to my lawyer, Oliver, about Terence and his new lawsuit. Oliver informs me that my ex has hired one of the sharpest lawyers in San Francisco, but in his professional opinion, he has no case. Terence is simply hoping that I’ll settle so I won’t go through all the hassle of mediation meetings and court visits again. Well, the asshole is in for a surprise, because I’m not changing my stance. He won’t get one cent. I don’t care if I have to go through hell for this—and being in the same room with Terence is hell for me—but I won’t let him touch what belongs to my family.

It’s only when I see a hand shoving a sandwich under my nose that I realize it’s lunchtime.

“Turkey sandwich,” Luke says.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I reply before I dig in. My stomach rumbles violently as I down the first bite.

“Can’t let you starve, boss. You haven’t even eaten the cookies on your desk.”

Oh, wow. I completely forgot about them, which goes to show how much the Terence issue stresses me out.

I lean back in my chair as I continue to munch on my sandwich, eyeing the sweets. I will not eat them until after my workday is done. I repeat this mantra a few times, but the more I eye the cookies, the weaker I become.

I’ll have one.

I fail, of course. Once I taste one, I can’t stop. I need more. In my defense, though, these are really tiny mini-cookies. They are mini mini-cookies.

I’m on my second one when I decide to text Eric.

Pippa: I received your cookies. How did you know they’re my favorites?

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance