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“I’m going to kiss you again,” he announces. “Since we’re on that slippery slope anyway. You need to be thoroughly kissed, and I’m up for the task. All good things come in twos. One kiss wasn’t nearly enough.”

This time, when his mouth claims mine, his hands don’t rest on my waist anymore. One reaches for my thigh, the other for my neck. My fingers find their way up his chest, feeling him up shamelessly until they reach his neck and then his thick, soft hair. I tug at it, pushing him closer to me. God, this isn’t enough. Two kisses will never be enough. The longer I feel his mouth on mine and his hands on my body, the more I want. A loud bang in the background startles us, and we pull apart, both breathing heavily.

The girl in charge of the bar looks at us apologetically. “I dropped my tray. Sorry.” Then she scurries away. Eric and I are standing a few feet away from each other. I don’t dare to walk closer to him. Seeing his messed-up hair and luscious mouth while his taste is still so fresh on my lips might push me to do something reckless… like kissing him again.

His next words confirm that I’m not the only one entertaining such thoughts. “I will not come near you again now, or I’ll kiss you senseless.”

“Yeah. It’s best if we stop at two kisses.” I beam, finally looking at him. Eric smiles back.

“See you at my house on Saturday.”

Oh, crap. I’d forgotten about that.

“See you,” I whisper as he leaves.

How on earth will I go through with it?

Chapter Eight


“Morning, everyone,” I say as I step into my department on Thursday.

Blake and Logan are sitting in front of my desk, and they’re both wearing suits. Logan always wears a suit, but seeing Blake in one comes off as a shock. He only wears them at special events, such as weddings. My little brother means serious business.

“What are you two doing here?” I ask as I round the table.

“Why, I thought she’d be happier to see us here,” Blake tells Logan.

I notice an orange pouch on my desk. It contains cookies from my favorite store. There is a card next to it.

A little bird told me these are your favorite cookies. Hope they make your day better. Don’t stress too much.


I read the text over and over again, the corners of my mouth lifting in a smile. I inspect the pouch again, then raise my eyebrows at my brothers.

“So, which one of you stole three of my cookies?”

“You know how many there are inside?” Blake asks, flabbergasted.

“Told you she’d notice,” Logan tells him under his breath.

I jut my chin forward. “Yeah. I know the package sizes. Small white organza pouch—five, red organza—seven, orange organza—nine. Brother, I love you, but if you have any preservation skills, you won’t come between me and my sweets again.”

“Duly noted,” Blake says.

“So, both of my brothers are visiting. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I’m not staying,” Logan says. “Blake will finalize analyzing the budget for the new generation of mock-ups with you.”

My jaw nearly drops. “Impressive. Blake’s been here for a few days, and you already send him to do your dirty work.” Moving my glance to Blake, I add, “Spoiler alert. I hate talking about numbers.”

“No problem,” Blake says. “I love numbers.”

Freaky thing is he does. He majored in finance and partying in college. Graduated with honors in both.

“Right on track to become Logan’s henchman,” I tease.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance