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“I like hearing it.” Tipping his head to me, he drops his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “All men do.”

“When they’re teenagers, surely?”

“Nah, pretty much always. Let’s go. I have great plans for us tonight.”


We buy pizza with the intent to eat it after we arrive at the apartment, but end up eating it on the way. Turns out I was starving too.

“You shower first, I’ll go after you,” Logan says the second we enter his home.

“Why are we showering separately?” I ask. “Your shower is way bigger than the one at the shop. I foresee a hundred possibilities for sexy times in the shower.”

“I foresee endless possibilities for that, and we’ll try out all of them. But I want you in my bed tonight. If we shower together...” His voice is husky and full of promise, sending a shiver down my back. “Now, be a good girl and go.”

Showering alone is torture, but I take the opportunity to make myself as flawless as possible. Afterward, I wait alone in Logan’s bedroom. Unable to stay put, I walk from one side to the other, inspecting it. We were both exhausted when we entered it last night and fell asleep. This morning, we were in a hurry, so I haven’t had a chance to look around. The massive bed with a leather headboard dominates the bedroom. Everything is clean and organized. Even though he told me he has a maid, I’m sure he’s the one organizing his things. I suppose one doesn’t achieve as much as he did without immaculate efficiency.

I never thought this particular trait to be sexy, but when it comes to Logan, it is. God, everything about this man is a turn-on. I feel his presence in the room before he speaks and turn around to face him. I have a towel wrapped around me. He’s wearing absolutely nothing.

“Drop your towel, Nadine.”

His voice drips masculinity and sex appeal. It has such a powerful effect on me, almost as if he touched me. Holding my breath, I do as he says.

He groans. “You have such a beautiful body.”

I open my mouth with the intention of returning his compliment, but only an “Oh” comes out. His eyes turn darker.

“Lie on the bed.”

Once again, I do as I’m told. In a fraction of a second, Logan is next to me, and he settles on his knees between my legs.

He puts his forefinger on my mound. “I want to kiss you here, Nadine.”


“I’ve wanted to taste you all day.”

Running his fingers across one inner thigh then the other, Logan nudges me to open even more for him. Resting on my elbows, I drop my thighs completely to the sides, exposing myself to him.

“So beautiful,” he murmurs, his lips merely inches away from my swollen flesh. When he blows a cold puff of air on my heated center, I yelp in surprise. He drags his fingers up and down my folds in a slight caress, and I fist the sheet with both hands to keep from buckling against him. He lowers his head, swiping his tongue in a slight touch over my folds.

“Oh, God, Logan.” Closing my eyes, I shudder.

“So sweet.” Finally, he places his mouth, hot and firm, on my sensitive flesh. First, he

focuses on my clit, his lips nibbling and sucking it expertly.

“Holy fuck,” I cry.

I swear to God, I’m going to grab his head and make love to his face if he doesn’t give me my release soon. But I know he’s not going to be that merciful with me. He presses his lips harder on my clit, and I’m certain I’ll explode. Then Logan puts one finger inside me, torturing me even further.

“Logan,” I pant, pressing my feet deeper into the bed. When he inserts another finger, stretching me, pleasuring me, I squirm, my entire body sizzling. I touch myself, rolling my nipples between my fingers, hoping to quench the fire. Instead, I’m intensifying it.

I cry in protest when Logan unhitches his mouth from my clit.

“You’re so fucking sexy.” His eyes focus on my hands, which are currently torturing my nipples while his fingers torture my pussy. He curves his fingers inside me, and I nearly pass out.

“Come on, Nadine. I want to feel you clench around my fingers.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance