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Despite myself, I return an equally naughty smile. “Shouldn’t you be serious and grumpy all the time? You’re the CFO, after all. Chief Financial Officer. I thought grumpiness came with the job description.”

“It’s required very often when people piss me off, as is the obligatory stick up my ass.”

“So I have the privilege of seeing the fun side of you.”

“Exactly. I can be Chief Fun Officer for you.”

Laughter bubbles out of my throat, my entire body relaxing. “You are funny.”

“I'm insulted by the surprise in your voice.”

“I meant it as a compliment,” I assure him.

“I wonder what a real insult would sound like.” He winks at me good-naturedly. “Unfortunately, I can’t stay longer. I have a meeting in an hour.” His eyes don’t leave mine as he asks the waiter for the check. Stubbornly, I keep his gaze until my cheeks heat up, and then I break the eye contact.

“What are you doing this afternoon?” he asks as we leave the restaurant. “Do you want me to drive you anywhere?”

“No, thanks. I’ll walk around the city, checking out the competition.”

“I meant what I said about your business plan. If you want another opinion, I’m happy to help. Also, once Alex sends you locations, I’d like to come with you to see them.”

“Why are you so interested?”

Logan stops in front of me, putting his hands on my arms as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. I lick my lips.

“I know what it’s like to be a founder. If I’m honest, I miss the excitement of those early years. It was fun, mostly because I was building something with my brother. You’re doing this on your own in a new city. I don’t want you to feel alone here.”

His words hit a nerve. Loneliness is something I grew accustomed to after my split from Thomas, and I like spending time with myself. But moving across the country to a place where I only know Ava is a different story. I didn’t want to go back to New York. I wanted something new.

“Very considerate of you. You’re welcome to join me on the shop hunting, but I have one condition.” I hold up a forefinger.

Logan narrows his eyes as we reach his car. “I’m listening.”

“I want two croissants next time.”

“Feisty. I like you more with every passing second. Call me when you have something.” His gaze lingers on my lips for the briefest of moments before snapping up to meet my eyes. “I’ll probably see you before that too. My family likes you.”

He leans in to me, kissing my cheek. At the same time, he presses his palm against the small of my back, and all my senses explode. The innocent kiss turns into something almost sinful as he lingers with his cheek against mine for a few seconds. His hand at my back feels incredibly intimate, and his smell. Oh, God, he’s too much. I swear the air between us sizzles. When he finally pulls back, my knees are weak. With a wink, he climbs into his driver’s seat.

I look after his car until it’s out of sight, gathering my faculties. Focus on your business, Nadine. Focus. Repeating this mantra does nothing to calm my racing pulse, though. This man can make me smile, swoon, and have the hots for him all in the span of minutes.

Logan Bennett will be the death of me.

Chapter Four


I have been known to decide one thing and do the complete opposite, but deciding to stay away from a woman then flirting like there’s no tomorrow with her is new even for me. Obviously, I can’t control myself around Nadine. When I kissed her cheek, I damn near took her mouth too. I wanted nothing more than to pin her against my car and kiss her blind. That was on Monday. Today is Friday, and I’m still thinking about the non-kiss. Her scent of oranges is branded in my senses now.

A subtle vibration from my smartphone alerts me to a message.

Pippa: Sorry, won’t make it to lunch.

My jaw ticks. I’m going to have to eat both portions of Chinese food I ordered to be delivered to my office. Tapping my fingers on my desk, I search through my emails, expecting one from Ava. She was supposed to send me a report half an hour ago. I don’t find it, so I text her.

Logan: Where’s the report I asked for?

Ava: I left a print copy on my desk, forgot to email it to you. Can’t do it now. I don’t have access to my laptop.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance