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I smile sadly. “I did. It was supposed to be a loan. Half a year later, I was fired and struggled to find a job. Thomas made it clear he wouldn’t support me financially. When I asked him about my savings, he threw in my face that we didn’t have a contract. I broke up with him.” My eyes burn, all traces of pride gone. Shame overcomes me. “I was so stupid and so trusting,” I whisper to myself. Clearing my throat, I add in a strong voice, “That was two years ago. I worked three jobs until I moved here. I’ll make it this time, and I won’t owe anyone anything.”

“I’m sure you will. Let’s get one thing straight. You were not stupid. The person you love is someone you’re supposed to trust.” An endearing fire flickers in his eyes. “If there’s something I hate more than people taking advantage of others, it’s if they get away with it.”

“We’re not talking about me now, right?”

“No. My sister recently divorced her leper of a husband.”

“I’ve heard, but I don’t know the details.”

“I’ll give you the Cliff’s Notes. He married her for her money. Sebastian and I made him sign a prenup. If they divorced before their tenth anniversary, he wouldn’t receive a penny. They divorced before their fourth.”

“That’s great; it means he walked away with no money.”

“No, but he hurt my sister, and the law isn’t punishing that.”

I’m touched that he cares so much about his family.

“If I run into that asshole again—”

I sit up straight. “Woah, relax, Batman. You can’t be the silent protector, making your justice. Sometimes, you have to forgive and move on. Otherwise, you’re wasting your energ

y with people who’re not worth it.”

It suddenly dawns on me that the scene in Alex’s office wasn’t a display of manhood, at least not on Logan’s part. This man protects fiercely, and loves the same way too. It fills me with joy that I’ve been the object of his protection.

“Right. I believe we were sidetracked. We were talking about your shop and love for fashion. You didn’t study fashion, though, did you?”

“No. It felt unsafe. I majored in accounting. I hope I’ll never have to work as an accountant again, but if the store doesn’t work out, I’ll go back to doing that. My last boss said I’m welcome back anytime.”

Logan stiffens at this. “Why not search for a job as an accountant here?”

“An accountant’s salary has a greater purchasing power there than in San Francisco.” I don’t tell him about my plan to look after my parents. Sharing that is too personal.

Logan puts his hand over mine on the table as if sensing my turmoil. If his touch was meant to reassure me, he succeeded. If it was also intended to send my hormones into disarray, he excelled. Being around Logan is consuming; my entire body buzzes with life and need around him.

“You won’t fail, Nadine. You have passion, you have drive, and you have a plan. It’s by no means foolproof, but it’s as close as it gets.”

“You sure know how to make a girl feel good.”

“Trust me, you haven’t seen anything.” His voice is low and raspy all of a sudden. “I can make a girl feel really good.”

I swallow a mouthful of quiche. “Did this discussion turn to sex?”

“Actually, I was thinking about a round of double dessert, but we can talk about sex. It’s one of my favorite topics. I’m an expert on it.”

I laugh. I cannot help it. “Is that so?”

“I don’t mean to brag, but women’s opinions have been unanimous on this.”

I decide to play his game. “You shouldn’t believe everything you’re told.”

“Oh, I wasn’t told. I can tell just by observing a woman how good a time she’s having with me.”

For someone who hasn’t had sex for a long time, his words are like fuel to the fire. I can imagine how his lips would touch mine. I cross my legs to quench the sudden ache between my thighs. I’m already fantasizing about what he could do with his hands on my body, and that’s very bad.

“We got sidetracked again,” I say.

“I’m thoroughly enjoying the new topic.” Logan flashes me a smile full of mischief.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance