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“So have you. Go with them. Blow off some steam.”

“Are you sure?”


I nod, but instead of leaving, I start tugging with my teeth at my lower lip.

“Ava, is something wrong?” Sebastian asks me.

“I met Simone today when I was shopping. She has this great plan to seduce you.”

He laughs, cupping my cheek. “She’ll fail hard. Go and have some fun with my sister. The two of us will have fun at home. Don’t doubt me. ”

“I trust you. Completely.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Holy crap.

I dearly hope Sebastian trusts me, because Pippa’s friend brings us to a strip club. I keep hoping it might be a regular pub with a very shady name, but when we step inside, there are scantily dressed men everywhere. To my left, to my right. Dressed in overalls, thongs, or in nothing at all. Wait, no, that guy I took for naked actually does have a thong. But it’s nude. And another guy wears a thong with a penis painted on it!

“Why would he wear a thong with a penis on it?” I ask Pippa, bewildered.

“Look at that one,” Caroline points out. “His thong is transparent.”

“Dear God, I need some alcohol,” Alice announces. “There’s too much testosterone around.”

We attract stares, because we’re all wearing long, elegant dresses, but I have to admit, it’s kind of fun. We make our way to the bar and find some empty seats.

“Bartender, bring on the tequila,” Caroline says. “We’d like a shot each.”

He places glasses in front of us almost immediately. Arming ourselves with lime slices and salt, we clink our glasses, and down the tequila. I grimace, feeling it burn my throat.

The bartender looks at us carefully. “Are you girls on a bachelorette party? I can ask the boys to give you a special round of. . .dancing.”

“Well, no one’s getting married,” Caroline says.

“That we know of.” Pippa gives me a doubtful look. Oh, Pippa. I wish this were my bachelorette party. Nadine’s been dreaming about organizing it ever since I told her about Sebastian turning Simone down. She’s convinced he’s the perfect man. So am I.

“You can totally ask your guys to give us something special,” Caroline concludes.

“Actually, I don’t feel comfortable with that idea,” Pippa says. Next to her, Alice nods. “Let’s watch from afar.”

“This is no fun.” Caroline pouts. “I have another idea. Let’s play truth or dare.”

“Are we in high school?” Alice asks. I study Pippa for a beat. Behind her apparent exuberance, there’s sadness in her eyes.

“Don’t be a prude,” Caroline says.

“Fine,” Alice says. “Who’s the best lay you’ve ever had?” she asks Caroline.

Caroline rolls her eyes. “Let’s have another round of tequila before we start.”

“Aha,” I remark. “Who’s a prude now?”

We down another round, and Caroline rests her palms under her chin, a dreamy expression on her face. “My best guy was in senior year at college. Sad, I know, but it’s true. That man gave me the most amazing orgasms.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance