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One week later, I’ve used up every ounce of energy. I’m convinced my body will give in any minute now. Thank God, it’s the day of the show. I can do plenty of collapsing after it’s over.

I’m in a chic boutique in downtown San Francisco, trying on dresses for tonight. With everything going on, it completely slipped my mind that I don’t have anything to wear for the occasion. The vendor brings me two gorgeous dresses, but my enthusiasm fails when I see the price tag. They’re both over three thousand dollars.

“Unless you have something on sale, don’t bring me any designer items.”

To his credit, the vendor doesn’t look disappointed in the slightest. He hurries off, returning with three dresses that are within my price range.

“I’ll try this one on first.” I point to a dark blue dress. It’s floor length, and made of light chiffon. I put it on quickly, asking him for help to zip up.

I step in front of the mirror and he nods appreciatively. “You look fantastic.”

I smile. The dress hugs my figure surprisingly well, making my boobs stand out and my waist appear smaller. I wish it weren’t so long though.

“I’m going to need killer heels with this one,” I say. “Luckily, I have just what I need.”

The door opens and a new customer comes in. I notice her in the mirror as she looks through the store. Simone.

“You look familiar,” she remarks.

“I’m the marketing consultant at Bennett Enterprises.”

“Oh, that’s right. I saw you at the rehearsal. Will you be at the show tonight?”

“Yes, of course.”

She eyes my dress dismissively, telling the vendor, “Bring me a dress from the Red Valentino collection you have in the front.”

My eyebrows shoot up as the vendor eyes her with disdain and hesitates, as if he doesn’t want to serve Simone. Finally, he moves to bring her the requested items.

“It’s for the after-party tonight,” Simone explains. Not that I asked her. “I have a man to seduce.”

Looking away from her, I return my attention to the mirror, pretending to inspect my neckline.

“Do you know if Sebastian Bennett is dating someone?”

I swallow hard. “He is.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter much. Whoever she is, she can’t compete with me. Men leave their wives for me. They always fall for this.” She gestures at herself. I turn to her in disbelief. So this is what a homewrecker looks like. Does she know how much hurt she causes? All for what?

I look at Simone, pitying her. Strangely, I don’t feel the need to compete with her. “You have a very low self-esteem.”

“Excuse me?”

“Going around, offering your body,” I clarify as the vendor arrives with a Red Valent

ino dress.

“At least, I have something to offer,” Simone says viciously. “Unlike you.”

“We don’t allow this kind of behavior in our shop,” the vendor tells her.

“She insulted me first,” Simone says.

“I don’t see how telling the truth is an insult.”

“Do you know who I am?” she asks him dismissively.

“Yes, I do. The owner of this shop is one of those women whose marriage you take so much pride in having ruined. I thought you looked familiar. Now, get out.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance