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Hooking my arms around her waist, I rest my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet woman scent.

“Move in here,” I find myself saying. She freezes in my arms, and if I’m honest, I’m doing some freezing myself. Well, now it’s out there, and it feels damn right. “I want to know you—all of you. I can’t get enough of you.”

She fidgets in my arms, her ass pressing against me.

“Sebastian. . .”

I breathe out in relief, because there’s no protest in her voice, just confusion. Well, since I’m already on a slippery slope, to hell with it. Here goes nothing. Wrapping my arms tighter around her, I whisper against her neck, trailing up to her ear. “I like waking up next to you, and having you here. I like your hair on my pillow, and even getting kicked out of the bed. If I had it my way, I’d spend every minute with you from now until you have to leave.”

“Me too.” The confession comes like a mouthful of fresh air. Damn it, why does this feel so good and so right?

Finally, she turns to face me. The mix of emotions in her eyes mirrors my exact feelings. This is uncharted territory for both of us.

“But I’ll keep my apartment.”

“Sure. Your boss has to believe you live there.”


We return from her apartment late in the afternoon. The woman owns a lot of clothes, and I grew up with three sisters. At sunset, I grab my woman, a bottle of wine, and two glasses, and we sit outside, watching the sky.

“This is hands down the best view of the sunset ever. It should be in one of those guides for tourists. Great house, great view,” Ava comments.

“Hmmm, could this be the best because you’re in my arms?”

“Oh yeah, that too. Better not put it in the tourist guide though. Wouldn’t want visitors expecting this. I don’t like to share.” She shudders lightly in my arms, and I hug her more.

“You won’t have to share me, Ava. Don’t worry about that.”

“I do worry. That I’m not enough.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I wasn’t enough for my exes. If I was, they wouldn’t have done what they did.” She pastes a smile on her face, like it’s a joke, but I can see right through her.

“Ava.” I cup her head in my hands. “Any man who doesn’t spoil you every day doesn’t deserve you.”

“That applies to every man except you.” She giggles.

I grin, towering over her, and drag my knuckles lightly over her cheeks before kissing her. This sweet woman, with a body made for sin and a smile to match. She’s barely moved in, and I already dread the day she’ll leave.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The next three weeks go by in a blink of an eye, or so it seems. There’s plenty to do at the office—which I am used to. What I am not used to is coming home and not being alone. Since the Bennetts found out I moved in with Sebastian, they find an excuse to drop by every other evening.

Like the eternal pessimist I am, I keep waiting for the fairy tale to end. If something is too good to be true, it probably is—that’s what Mom always said. The trouble? Sebastian’s more amazing with each passing day, and his skills in bed are unmatched. Seriously. This man can do things with his mouth that should be illegal. Okay, so maybe fairy tale wasn’t the right name for this.

Unless it’s the adult version, that is.

“Sebastian, stop, or I’ll be late,” I say, without much conviction in my voice. He smiles against my swollen flesh and lifts his mouth. He keeps his finger on my clit, applying pressure.

“You’re the one who said you want to be woken up like this every morning,” he whispers in my ear as I dig my fingers in his back, my breath frantic. Tension builds inside me. My hands roam over the hard lines on his naked torso, his manly scent overwhelming me.

“I don’t, thiwatonow,” I babble, spectacularly aware of all my nerve endings. The rhythmic movement of his finger ignites me.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance