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“You like it.” When I don’t say anything, he continues. “Look, I want you to have a good time. Let me do this for you.”

“You’re doing this. . . why?”

He smiles mischievously. “You were practically glowing at the restaurant yesterday. I loved that look on your face, and I’d love even more to be the reason you smile.”

I am speechless, and swooning. How can he do that to me? Why do I want even more? Sebastian closes the distance between us, pointing to the envelope.

“Take the gift card.”



“I can’t—”

“You will. End of discussion.” His tone is so final, so full of authority, that I actually take a step back. He advances toward me, as if determined to dominate me. “I want you to relax.” He bends his head to my cheek, whispering in my ear, “Think about me while you’re there.”

Chapter Seven


The rest of the day passes in a haze. I sit through multiple meetings with the marketing department. Sebastian joins me in a few. I try to keep my distance from him and fail. The man is relentless. He always sits next to me, touching my hand or my leg—by accident, of course. He’s smart enough to make it look that way.

The meetings go well. During the first one, I discover his team is pleased with my presence here, which is refreshing. Marketing departments are usually hostile toward me, considering the outside agency an intrusion. This one seems open and eager to collaborate. Good. This means I can concentrate on my job. By the third meeting, I realize it’s not that they are pleased with me; they just don’t like the new marketing manager, Martha, much. She was hired a week ago.

“Why did you hire the marketing manager from outside instead of promoting someone from within the department?” I ask Sebastian after that meeting is over. “Your team doesn’t look very happy.”

“I know, but bringing in new blood can be good. That’s why we decided to work with your consultancy as well. She’s on probation for four months anyway. If it doesn’t work out, she’ll go.”

At six o’clock, I’m utterly exhausted, sitting in my office and going through my notes from today’s meetings. My neck is even stiffer than yesterday. I eye the voucher still lying on my desk, tugging at my lips with my teeth. On a whim, I call the spa. A woman greets me.

“Hello. I have a gift card and I’d like to use it as soon as possible.”

“Why don’t you come by tonight, and we’ll see where we can book you in?”

“This sounds wonderful,” I tell her honestly. I was expecting to wait at least a week. “Can you give me the address?”

As I scribble down her instructions, I realize it’s on the same street as my apartment. Did Sebastian take the time to look up a spa nearby? I can’t believe he gave this so much thought, but it can’t be a coincidence.

“See you in an hour,” I tell her.

Since it rained the entire afternoon, clouds populate the graying silk tarp of sky. I step outside the building, drained of energy. Inhaling deeply, I find the air doesn’t bring the burst of freshness I was hoping for. Heaviness languishes in the air from the earlier rain. Arrows of light descend through the clouds, but it looks like the sky won’t clear today.


I make myself a promise as I walk into the spa. I will relax and enjoy this without any remorse for having accepted Sebastian’s gift.

“Hi,” I tell the receptionist. “We spoke on the phone earlier.”

She smiles politely, taking the gift card I hand her. “Yes, we did. What would you like to do while you’re here, Ms. . .?”

“Lindt. I have a really stiff neck. Something to relax my muscles would be great.”

“May I suggest a massage?”

“Sounds like just what I need.”

“I’ll send you to Andrew. He’s the best.” She frowns at her computer screen, clicking around a few times. “He’s free in one hour. What would you like to do in that time? I can fit in a mani-pedi or a facial. Or I can book both and move Andrew an hour later. Your gift card certainly covers the expenses for all those.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance