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I grin, still not believing my luck in finding this man and his hilarious family. There was a time when I thought the only way to be strong was not to count on anyone but myself; but I’ve never felt stronger than now, surrounded by a bunch of Bennetts who can’t keep their noses out of anything—including shady names for future babies. I love them all to pieces.

“That’s because you have atrocious taste, brother,” Pippa says. With that, she whisks me away from the group, undoubtedly to talk more about our matchmaking plan. Last month, Nadine told me she’s looking to relocate. I’ve been trying to sell her on San Francisco ever since.

“Did Nadine say anything new?”

“I’ve almost convinced her.” Pulling out my phone, I show her the last e-mail I sent to Nadine.

From: Ava

To: Nadine

I still stand by what I wrote. I have my hands full trying to organize my wedding, and I could use your help. Also, there are three other sexy, single Bennett men running around San Francisco. They all have good references (actually the party brothers are still working on those references). Logan Bennett is driving me CRAZY at the office. That man needs to have his ego taken down a notch. You’re up for the challenge. Fly down here for a few weeks and see if you like the city. If you don’t like it, you can move somewhere else.

I look up from my phone and find Pippa grinning.

“You really think Logan and Nadine will make a good match?”

Her grin turns into a mischievous smile. “You just wait for her to fly here.

We’ll make it happen.”



Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance