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“Well, the men in our family are the only ones who do love me. A girl has to make the most of what she has.” Pippa says this with a smile, like it’s a big joke, but I know it’s not. I know my sister. She masks everything with a smile and a joke. Much like Ava, I realize, remembering that fleeting moment of vulnerability she let slip today.

“Did Terence contact you again?”

Pippa flinches, hunching her shoulders. In a matter of seconds, my sister seems to have shrunk a few inches.

“He tried. How do you know?” she whispers.

“Wild guess. What did he want?”

“I didn’t pick up,” she answers a little too quickly.

I raise my eyebrows.

“I haven’t spoken to him.” She smiles, pulling herself straight again, setting her jaw. “I’m throwing away all the things he didn’t bother to take with him when he left. I swear I keep finding his shit everywhere.” I read between the lines. Terence moved out a month ago. If she still hasn’t thrown away all of his things, it means she’s still holding on to them.

“You know I’m here if you need to talk, right?” I ask gently.

“Brother, I just talked your ear off.”

“You know what I mean.”

“It’s not worth talking about him. It’s a waste of breath and words.”

Pippa married Terence three years ago. I never liked him much. Something about him seemed off. I made him sign a prenup stating that if he and Pippa separated before their tenth anniversary, he wouldn’t get jack shit. He played his cards right—for one whole year. In their second year of marriage, things took a turn for the worse. They fought continuously and spent more time apart than together. One night, his mask fell completely. He and Pippa were fighting, and he told her he couldn’t wait for ten years to pass. Then he’d divorce her and get his share of the money. He crushed my sister’s heart. Now they’re in the process of getting divorced. That asshole won’t get one cent from my sister, but no matter what, I can’t undo the hurt he caused.

“He shouldn’t be calling you.”

“I don’t want you to get in a fight with him,” she warns.

“I’m not making any promises.”

Logan already gave the moron the beating of his life. None of this will make Pippa feel better though.

“Logan told me about the present for Mom and Dad’s anniversary. They’ll be very happy.”

I smile at Pippa. Yes, my parents will be very happy indeed. They gave it up for me. It’s only fair that I give it back to them. They had my back when I needed it the most and risked everything for me. That’s one of the reasons my parents, along with every single sibling of mine, own shares in Bennett enterprises, no matter if they are actually involved with the company or not. I remember what it was like to have nothing and the permanent insecurity that brought. My family won’t have to endure that again. Ever.

Tilting Pippa’s chin up, I kiss her forehead. “I love you, crazy pants. Now go create beautiful things I can sell.”

She smiles before heading out the door. “I will. Now go tear Ava’s panties—err, I meant shield of steel—down.”

Shaking my head, I sit behind my desk, picking up the report again. As Pippa predicted, I have a hard time concentrating on the report, wondering instead if Ava wears lace or silk.

Chapter Six


I barely sleep during my first night in San Francisco. It’s not unusual; it takes some time to adjust to new beds. Tonight, my bed isn’t at fault for my lack of sleep.

Sebastian Bennett is.

There is something about this man. He can make my knees go weak and my heart somersault at the same time. It’s not just his good looks that have me thinking about him, though he’s delicious. He’s different from what I expected, and from other powerful men I’ve met. He shows respect to everyone, even waiters and valets. I almost melted when he spoke about his family today.

I twist in my bed, burying my head in the pillow. I can’t obsess over him; I need to drill this into my head. It would help if he’d acted indifferent, but his thinly disguised flirting made me simmer. An ache forms between my legs as I remember his stirring presence.

Unable to sleep, I text my best friend, Nadine.

Ava: Arrived at the new job today, wanted to let you know I’m okay.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance