Page 41 of Playing Doctor

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His words were cut off as the door shut behind Aurelia and Helen as she followed the nurse to an exam room.

"Your ex is a pretty scary man. I can see why you left."

Aurelia sighed. "I just never realized how very unhinged he was. I'm glad I got away too."

"Well, you just wait right here, and Dr. West will be with you in just a moment I'm sure." Helen stepped out of the room, gently closing the door behind her.

Aurelia relaxed, knowing she was safe now that the cops had taken Marcus away. And she was feeling pretty good considering that whole episode. She sent a quick text to Sarah, her boss, just to let her know her appointment was running over, but that she would stay later tonight to finish up one of the files she was working on.

"How are you feeling now, Ms. Carson?" Daniel asked, entering the room. He smiled when his eyes landed on her.

"Better actually."

His smile widened. "Well, I think your Marcus troubles are over, he's probably going away for a good amount of time this time," he murmured.

"Let's hope." Aurelia nodded.

Chapter 20


Three months later

"Finally!" Aurelia exclaimed looking at the calendar on her phone.

It was official, she and Daniel were free to see one another openly. They had waited an extra month just so they wouldn't arouse suspicion, then accidently on purpose ran into each other at a deli shop where he, his nurse and receptionist happened to be eating on their lunch hour. He'd legitimately asked her out after a brief conversation of 'how are yous' and 'doing goods'.

Josie had smiled and murmured to Helen that she'd always thought that Dr. West had admired Ms. Carson and that it was nice to see them getting a chance to get to know one another in a more social setting, which had made Aurelia giggle.

Now she was getting up and dressed and giddy about her date later with Daniel. They were headed back to the movie theatre in Yonkers for dinner and another classic film. She secretly hoped that the night would end the same way it had the first time they'd been there.

The front door opened and closed and a moment later, Aurelia heard footsteps and the patter of dog feet.

"Did you hear the news?" Kelly asked, coming into the kitchen with Bella scurrying about her feet.

Aurelia shook her head and reached for the treat jar. "What news?"

"It's in the paper, Marcus trial is over, the verdict is in." Kelly waved the paper at her.


"Do you really not care?"

Aurelia shrugged. "Nope. Do you know what today is?"

Kelly pretended to think about it. "National Donut Day?"


"Um, Hug Your Best Friend Day?"

"No, that's every day, try again." Aurelia laughed, knowing she was just giving her a hard time.

"Oh, I know, it's Get it on with Dr. McHottie Day!"

Aurelia laughed. "Shut up, and yes!"

"So, where are you going?"

Aurelia told her about the planned date with a huge smile on her face.

"So, got time for a spa treatment first?" Kelly asked. "Cause I booked us an eleven o'clock at the Green Day Salon and Spa."

Aurelia leapt from leaning against the counter and hugged her best friend. "You are the best."

"Of course. Come on, chick, let's go get you waxed and pampered and ready for Dr. McHottie."

After spending the afternoon with Kelly at the spa and then shopping for a new dress, Aurelia got ready for her date. Daniel showed up at five-thirty dressed in jeans and a bright green polo which matched Aurelia's dress.

"How did you know to wear green?" she asked, suspiciously.

"A little birdie told me what color I was to wear."

She laughed. "Was that birdie named Kelly?"

He grinned. "Maybe. You look gorgeous."

"Thanks, you look pretty handsome yourself."

They talked the whole way to Yonkers and through dinner, then grew quiet as the movie started. Afterwards, they spoke about the film, but then as they pulled into Aurelia's driveway, she grinned at him.

"You're staying the night."

"Am I?" He arched a brow and grinned back at her.

"Oh yes. You definitely are." She took his hand and led him into the house, closing out the world behind them.

She slid into his arms and he lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her softly at first, but as the passion built between them, it grew, taking them both under in a mind-blowing kiss. He lifted her off her feet and carried her to the bedroom. He pulled the dress off her, leaving her in her bra, panties, and heels. Aurelia bit her lip, feeling just the tiniest bit vulnerable. She'd put on more weight since the last time they'd been together like this.

"Absolutely gorgeous," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her again.

Aurelia smiled and kissed him back, her fingers slipping beneath his shirt to his chest. He growled and pulled the shirt off then opened the button on his jeans and pulled down the zipper. Aurelia slid her hands down to his waist, pushing the jeans from his hips. They fell together onto the bed, touching and kissing each other everywhere they could reach.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance