Page 40 of Playing Doctor

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"Security is on it's way, Dr. West is coming, just hang on, Ms. Carson!" Josie called through the reception window.

Daniel came through the office door, anger in his eyes as he took in the scene. He pulled Marcus off of Aurelia and shoved her behind him. "What do you think you're doing? This is a doctor's office!"

"You're banging my wife!" Marcus took a swing at Daniel.

Daniel side-stepped him. "Sir, I don't understand where you managed to get that idea, but I'm not seeing anyone, let alone Ms. Carson, and as far as I am aware, she's not your wife," he said sounding perfectly calm and reasonable.

"I'm not now, nor have I ever been your wife, Marcus! You never wanted to get married, remember?" Aurelia said, peeking out from behind Daniel.

"Ms. Carson, don't antagonize him, he looks as if he is on some sort of drugs," Daniel said softly.

"Well, that explains his wild-eyes, I guess," Aurelia muttered.

"We might not have been married on paper, but you belong to me! I own you, you fucking slut!"

"What's going on here?" a man in a building security uniform came in, followed by two police officers.

"He's fucking my wife!" Marcus screamed, trying to punch Daniel again.

However, Daniel simply moved out of the way once more, moving Aurelia with him. "That is an absolute lie. Ms. Carson here has a restraining order against this man, who is not her husband. He is her abuser."

"Sir," the female officer stepped forward and tried to corral Marcus, but he swung at her and connected with her head, knocking her back. "Sir! You are under arrest!" She jumped forward and tackled him before the other officer could even move. She took Marcus down to the ground, landing on him hard and then rolled him over and cuffed him quickly.

"What the fuck? You can't do this! I have rights! You can't arrest me!"

"Sir, you assaulted an officer of the law, you are under arrest. Jenkins, search him, I think he's on something."

The other officer began going through Marcus' pockets and pulled out a baggie with white powder in it as Marcus cussed up a storm. "Looks like you're right, Castellanos."

Aurelia frowned. "Are you related to Officer Mike Castellanos?" she asked the woman, whose nametag read Officer Maria Castellanos.

"Yes, why?"

"He's the officer who wrote up the restraining order on him." Aurelia pointed at Marcus.

"I'll talk to my brother and we'll make sure we get him on violating that as well as the drugs, and the assault on me. You may not even have to testify." She grinned as she hauled Marcus to his feet.

Marcus spit at her, but she just wiped it away, like it happened every day. "Fucking pig! I'm going to kill you! I'm not giving up, Aurelia! We're fucking going back to Portland!"

"Shut up, Marcus, I am never going back there, let alone with you!"

"So, we're adding making death threats to the arrest, you getting this, Jenkins?"

"Every word." He stood with his body cam aimed at Marcus.

Daniel led Aurelia over to a chair. "Josie, get Ms. Carson a glass of water, please."

Aurelia felt light-headed, and everything felt so surreal as she watched the officers lead Marcus from the office. "Is it over, do you think?"

Glancing over his shoulder toward the office, Daniel leaned forward and hugged her, but the second the door started to open, he pulled back and looked stoic again, as though he hadn't just been comforting her. "Thank you, Josie." He took the glass from her and handed it to Aurelia.

Aurelia sipped the water and did a few of her breathing exercises. "Thank you. Both of you. I don't know what I would have done if he had managed to pull me out of here."

"We wouldn't have allowed that to happen, would we Dr. West?"

"No, we wouldn't. Josie, would you tell Helen it is safe to allow Mr. Davis to leave now?"

Aurelia had wondered where his nurse was all this time.

"Of course, Dr. West." Josie used her key, which was on a colored corded band around her wrist and opened the door again.

The moment she was gone, and they were alone, Daniel pulled her up and into his arms. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

Aurelia laid her head on his chest for a moment and nodded. "Yes." Sighing, she stepped back once more as the door began to open again.

"Well, that was a bit of excitement. Let's get you back and see how your heart is doing, hmmm?"

Aurelia nodded. "Well, I'm not in any pain, so that's something." She smiled.

"I'll take her back, Dr. West, I think Mr. Davis wanted a word with you."

"Of course, Mr. Davis, I am sorry about keeping you in the exam room," Daniel said to the older man next to Helen.

"Well, that pretty young thing kept me company, so it was fine, I wanted to ask you about my med—"

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance