Page 30 of Nervous

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Logan was extremely attractive and seemed nice enough. Darnetta was a lucky girl. “Jonquinette, you don’t mind if I steal Darnetta away for a dance, do you?” he asked. “I won’t keep her long.”

“No, take your time,” I said. “She’s wanted to dance with you all evening,” I lied. She really had wanted to wring his neck all evening.

As they walked away, I sat back down at the table and scanned the room searching for Mason. After spotting the maid of honor among a group of women on the dance floor getting their boogie on together in their stocking feet, I imagined him off in a quiet corner flirting with one of the many gorgeous women in attendance.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Mason chuckled and took Darnetta’s unoccupied seat next to me.

“I’m sorry, Jonquinette. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

I laughed timidly. “I’m okay.”

We sat there in silence for a moment while we both gathered our thoughts.

“Nice wedding,” I said finally. “I was surprised to see you here.”

“Really?” he asked with an expression of bewilderment on his face. “I don’t know why. After all, I did invite you. I’m just sorry you never responded to my note.”

“Your note? You must be confused.”

He smirked and shook his head. “I’m not confused at all. You mean to tell me that you didn’t get the note I stuck on your door earlier this week asking you to be my date?”

I was at a loss for words and didn’t want to panic. It could have blown away or some bad kid could have taken it off the door. I didn’t want to think the worst.

“Mason, I didn’t receive your note. Thanks for the invitation though.”

He played with the stem of Darnetta’s champagne glass. “Can I ask you something?”


“If you had gotten it, would you have said yes?”


He sighed deeply. “That’s disappointing. I had hoped that you would.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” I said, trying to correct myself and spare his feelings. “Darnetta had asked me to come with her first and I promised that I would. She and I work together and I never would have heard the end of it if I had backed out on her.”

He seemed reassured. “Good, I understand. So you would have said yes if it weren’t for that?” he asked, continuing to probe.

“Absolutely.” That wasn’t true but it didn’t matter at that point. I would have been too nervous to go out on a date with Mason, especially to a wedding.

The band slowed the music down and the group of women on the dance floor took their seats, leaving only couples who embraced each other intimately.

“Jonquinette, may I have this dance?” Mason asked, extending his hand to me.

I had never danced with a man before, not ever. But something was different. I really liked Mason.

“I would like that,” I said, taking his hand and allowing him to lead me to the dance floor. When he placed his hands on my waist, I shivered. “I have to warn you. I’m not a very good dancer.”

He grinned. “There’s nothing to it. Just go with the music.”

We danced to “Ribbon in the Sky,” one of my all-time favorite songs. Mason placed his cheek on mine and I almost lost it. It felt so wonderful. I could feel his dick pressing up against me and that felt wonderful also. I had never experienced even that before.

We remained on the dance floor for three songs. Then Smitty, the groom, came over and tapped Mason on the shoulder.

“Mason, can I holler at you for a few before Robin and I leave for the honeymoon?”

Mason looked torn but said, “Sure, man. By the way, this is Jonquinette. Jonquinette, this is Smitty.”

Tags: Zane Erotic