Page 28 of Nervous

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I dominated Jerry for the rest of the evening. It was after closing time when I left the mattress shop and not a single person came up to the door. The phone only rang twice. Before it was over, said and done, Jerry had fucked me six ways from Sunday. We fucked on top of four different mattress sets. I tied him to a brass bed and wore him out on top of a pillowtop set but my knees kept sinking into it too much. For the record, the cheapest set was best for rough-riding.

All of that release of sexual tension was for naught. My anger started all over again when I returned to the apartment and that Mason bastard had left a note for Jon taped to the door. He wanted to know if she would consider going out with him that Saturday. Ironically, he wanted her to go to a wedding with him. I snickered. Could it be the same wedding Jon had promised to attend with Darnetta? Either way, Jon was not about to accept his invite. I made sure of that by ripping up the note. However, if it did come to pass that it was one and same event, I was determined to turn that motherfucker out.



I didn’t remember a thing after I left Dr. Spencer’s office. I also overslept for the second day in a row. The scent was there again when I took a shower. What was truly sad about the entire thing was that I was getting used to the same thing happening to me over and over again. That didn’t make it any less frightening, though.

I showed up at the office an hour late. There was no way I was calling in two days in a row. I might have found myself on the unemployment line. The place was already jumping. Thank goodness business had picked back up or we all would have had hell to pay.

Less than two minutes after I sat down at my desk, Darnetta was poking her head in my doorway. “What’s up, Jon?”

“Nothing. I just got here.” I started shuffling some of the papers around. I really didn’t feel like having a long, drawn-out discussion that day. “I have a ton of things to catch up on.”

“Are you okay?” she asked. “I heard you called in yesterday.”

“I’m fine. I was just a little under the weather.”

“Yeah, the rapid temperature changes have been wild lately. Most of my family is sick.”

“Well, whatever I had only lasted a day.” I started scribbling on a pad, hoping she would take the hint and leave. “So, you busy today?”

Darnetta shrugged her shoulders. “You know me. I work at my own pace so I won’t wear myself out.”

We both laughed.

She came closer to my desk. “Actually, I just came by to remind you about the wedding this Saturday. There’s no way I’m letting you back out.”

I felt my heart flutter. I was not looking forward to being around a bunch of strangers. “I wouldn’t dream of backing out,” I said.

“Good. We’re going to have a ball.”

I sat my pen down. “Darnetta, I hate to be rude but I really have to take care of some of this stuff.”

She flicked her hand in my direction. “Hey, I hear you, girl. I’m going to get back to my desk before Big Brother comes looking for me.”

“Thanks for the reminder.”

“I will be reminding you the rest of the week,” she said. “Have you decided what you’re going to wear?”

I shook my head. “No, I haven’t a clue. I’ll come up with something.”

Darnetta eyed me uncomfortably. “Might I make a suggestion? Why don’t you try something a little more provocative than usual? You’re a beautiful woman. You should emphasize it more.”

I couldn’t come up with a response that made sense to me so I didn’t respond at all.

“I’ll catch you later, Jon,” Darnetta said as she left.

• • •

The amount of work that had piled up on my desk during one day of absence was unbelievable. It was so bad that I ended up taking some work home with me. That wasn’t a problem since I had no plans anyway. Not that I ever did.

There was a note on my door. It was Mason asking if I had made up my mind. I had no idea what he was talking about. I started to go knock on his door but decided against it. I had nothing to offer him. It was ironic. I had finally found a man that I was somewhat interested in, at least I wanted to get to know him better, and I was too messed up in the head to even deal with the situation.

It had been a long time since I had masturbated. Yet, that night I found myself lying in bed fantasizing about Mason. As I caressed my breasts and squeezed my thighs around the towel placed between my legs to create friction on my clit, I imagined Mason making passionate love to me.

Tags: Zane Erotic