Page 26 of Nervous

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I walked in and didn’t see a soul. “Hello? Anyone here?” I yelled out. There was no response. “Hey! You taking a dump or something?”

I laughed at the prospect. Some senior citizen dude who hadn’t saved up enough money for retirement, sitting on the throne in the back embarrassed because I had caught him taking a shit.

I decided to wait and started checking out the selections. They had some low-end sets. I tried a couple of them out and quickly realized the scam they were running. Game always recognizes game.

The lower-priced mattress sets were so hard and uncomfortable that no one in their right mind would want to sleep on them. Thus, they would be forced, if desperate and not feeling like going someplace else, to pay more money for something better.

Finally, I heard someone emerging from the back. I faced the storeroom door and waited for a hundred-ninety-year-old man to come out. Much to my astonishment, this sexy-ass motherfucker came out instead.

“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t hear you come in. I was in the back looking for a product for a customer.”

I scanned the store. “A customer? Is said customer invisible?”

He laughed. “No, she’s on the phone. Give me a second.”

I watched him take a seat at the cheap stainless steel desk and pick up the phone.

“Sorry for the delay, Ms. Gray. We don’t have it in stock right now but, if you like, I can special order it for you.”

I smirked. How in the hell could an item be out of stock when they never had more than two people in the store at a time?

I eyed him carefully as he concluded his call. He was about six-two with skin the color of dark fudge, had almond-shaped dark eyes, and looked like he could hold his own in a bench-pressing contest.

He hung up the phone and said, “Sorry. How may I help you?”

“That’s the third time you’ve said sorry in the past two minutes. What’s there to be sorry for? You’re just doing your job.”

He shrugged. “True, but my mother raised me to be a gentleman.”

“Good for her.” I fingered one of the more luxurious sets, a king-sized one. “How much is this?” I could’ve read the tag but I wanted him to come over to assist me so I could peep out his ass and see if I could spot a hump in the front of his pants.

He fell for it, came over, and read the tag that I was perfectly capable of reading. “This set is twenty-seven hundred.”

“Twenty-seven hundred? Does it fuck the people sleeping on it for that price?”

He was taken aback. “Sorry?”

“There you go with ‘sorry’ again.” I rolled my eyes. “Look, um, Jerry,” I said, reading his name badge. “Don’t get this twisted but how often does someone really come in here and pay that kind of money for a mattress set? Something to sleep on?”

“I’ll admit it happens sporadically but it does happen. Most of the sets we sell go for anywhere between three hundred and eight hundred. Is that the price range you were looking for?”

I stood there, debating about whether or not to go through with my original plan or switch it up. I glanced at the door. “What would happen if we locked the door and tried out the twenty-seven hundred set?”

He blushed. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“Try it out how?”

“By fucking on it, how else?”

He was apprehensive. “Are you serious? You must be kidding.”

“No, not at all.” I reached over, grabbed his tie, and jerked him toward me. “What’s wrong? You don’t believe women are capable of going after what or who they want? Men do it all the time.”

He chuckled. “True, but most men aren’t even brave enough to ask someone to fuck them in the middle of a store in broad daylight.”

“Well, that’s their problem.” I ran my tongue across his cheek, like an animal marking my territory. “So how about it?”

Tags: Zane Erotic