Page 22 of Nervous

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I wasn’t used to having to take over so much. I was content to surface when Jon needed protection and from time to time to get my sexual needs taken care of, but surfacing had become a matter of survival. Jon actually thought she could get rid of me. Never!

“Do you like this restaurant, baby?” Queenie asked me, taking a sip of her Pink Pony. “Darryl and I used to come here a lot.”

“Who?” I knew who the hell she was talking about. I just felt like starting trouble.

“You remember Darryl.”

I took a sip of my lemonade. “Oh, him,” I said with contempt. “Wasn’t he the one you were doing after Frank and before Brent?”


“You know what I mean, Momma. Wasn’t he the one you were fucking between the other two men you were fucking?”

She almost choked on her cocktail. “Jonquinette, I don’t know what’s gotten into you.”

I laughed. “The better question is what hasn’t gotten into you. Or who, to utilize a better term.”

“How dare you talk to me like that? I’m your mother.” She glanced down at the porterhouse steak on my plate. “When did you start eating red meat again? I thought you were on some health kick.”

I was truly enjoying this shit. Fucking with Meredith the Bitch’s head was right up there with riding some bomb-ass dick.

“Don’t you think you’re a little over the hill to be whoring?” I asked her.

She slammed her glass down on the table and all but broke it.

“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, young lady, but you will not disrespect me in such a fashion. I won’t tolerate it.”

“I won’t tolerate it. I won’t tolerate it,” I repeated mockingly. “Who says you have a choice?”

She glared at me but I met her gaze with one that made her look away. She got up from the table.

“Jonquinette, I’ve been out of the country and I thought we should spend some time together catching up, but I don’t know what comes over you when you start acting like this. Sometimes you act so evil. It’s almost like there’s two of you.”

I smirked. What an interesting choice of words!

The Queen Bitch started gathering her purse and keys.

“Aw, leaving so soon?” I asked sarcastically. I couldn’t wait for her to get the fuck out of my face.

“Jonquinette, maybe we can try this again next weekend when you’re feeling better.”

She stormed out of the restaurant, passing the waiter toting our tray of food on her way out. He watched her depart and asked, “Will the lady be returning?”

“She’s not a lady. She’s a whore,” I lashed out at him. I waved my finger at the food. “Just wrap all that up and bring me the check.”

“Whatever you like, madam.”

He was walking away when I observed how tight his ass was. I eyed him up and down as he totaled up the bill over by the bar and came back to the table.

“Here’s your check. I’ll take it whenever you’re ready.”

I handed him a fifty. “Keep the change.”

He grinned, realizing I’d just given him a healthy tip. “Thanks.”

I grabbed his wrist and read his name tag. “By the way, Antoine, what time do you get off?”

• • •

Tags: Zane Erotic