Page 19 of Nervous

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We were in the meat locker and just like it appeared in movies, it was cold up in there.

“It’s cold as shit!” I exclaimed.

He laughed. “By the way, I’m Lewis.”

“So it says on your name tag.”

“Since you don’t have a name tag, how about telling me yours?”

“You can call me whatever you like, but I’d rather not talk at all.” I grabbed him by the back of his neck and slipped my tongue into his mouth briefly. “So what are your other talents?”


“You said out there that you have other talents.” I decided it was high time to see what he was holding, so I grabbed his dick. “Nice. Very nice.”

“Thank you.” He started palming my tits. “These are nice, too.”

“Want to suck them?”

He looked at the door to the freezer. The coast was still clear.

“I might lose my job behind this. You better make this good.”

I laughed. “I make everything good, baby.”

Jon had on this tired-ass, homely dress, but it was easy to get out of and before long, I was nude and holding on to a vacant meat hook with my hands, surrounded by sides of beef.

Lewis was on his knees with my legs wrapped around his shoulders and his tongue was exploring my pussy.

It felt exhilarating. I threw my head back, closed my eyes, and whispered, “You see, Jon. I run this. This is my party.”

Lewis stopped going down on me. “Who the fuck is Jon? I’m Lewis.”

I dug my fingernails down into his hair and pushed his head back into my pussy. “Shut the hell up and eat!”



What a boring week at work. While I enjoyed peace and quiet, it was even a little too much for me. I couldn’t wait until my appointment with Dr. Spencer on Monday. Hopefully, this time I could bring myself to tell her more about what had happened to me. It was hard to believe that I was willing to open up like that, but I didn’t see any other choice.

I hadn’t had any weird smells on me that week. Male smells. But something strange did happen that morning. I was sleeping late since it was Saturday and my phone rang. I grabbed it because I assumed it was Momma. I knew that she was due back late the night before and I was right in my assumption.

“Jonquinette, baby!” she squealed into the phone. “I’m back! Did you miss me?”

“Of course I missed you, Momma.”

I really did miss her, too. Even though Momma and I didn’t see each other all the time when she was in Atlanta, it was a source of comfort to know that she was right across town whenever I needed her. Unlike Daddy.

“Did you enjoy Europe?”

“That’s the understatement of the century, baby. I had the time of my life.”

“That’s great, Momma. You deserved it.”

“So what have you been doing with yourself? I hope you aren’t still cooped up in that apartment every weekend. Life’s too short for that.”

“I get out and hang with some of my friends whenever I get the chance,” I lied. “Most of the time, I bring work home with me and end up buried in that for hours.”

Tags: Zane Erotic