Page 22 of Afterburn

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“Precious, this may come as a shock to you, but we do have plenty of women here in D.C. I don’t know who or what gave you the impression that I have to keep a woman in order to have one, but you’ve been seriously misinformed. I’ve bought women things but it wasn’t in exchange for sex. That’s for damn sure.”

“Oh yeah, is that why your woman left you to bump coochies?”

That hurt. It hurt like shit. Not because Precious was speaking the words, but because it meant that Felix had betrayed me by telling my business to Mona.

I put my car back in drive and pulled off.

“You don’t have shit to say now, huh? I guess not. Sorry motherfucker. You’re such a lousy fuck that your woman would rather lick a pussy than be with you. I was going to do your ass a fucking favor and suffer through the two minutes every night in exchange for a place to stay.”

Was she calling me a two-minute brother? Oh, hell naw!

“I can’t imagine a man even giving you two minutes of sex, you skank.”

“Skank?” She flipped me the finger. “I got your skank.”

“If I were less of a man, I’d kick your ass out

of my car right here. Luckily for you, I’m above that.”

“Just take me back to Mona’s and make tracks.”

“No problem. I can’t get your trashy ass out my car fast enough.”

She waved me off and smacked her lips before crossing her arms in front of her chest and pouting.

We didn’t say a word to each other the rest of the way out to Forestville. Fine by me. I turned on the radio and lost myself in thought. I analyzed the situation with Sheila for the hundredth time since she’d left.

I knew Sheila was bisexual when I’d met her. Like most men, I saw that as a definite plus as long as I could watch. And I did. I even joined in a couple of times with some of the sisters she’d picked up at lesbian clubs. I viewed it like this. Some women have a craving for chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. My woman had a craving for pussy. No harm, no foul.

That is, until her former lover moved back from the West Coast and ruined a perfect situation. Raven wasn’t having any part of sharing and neither was I; under the circumstances. I knew there had been real feelings involved between the two of them and I didn’t like it. Matter of fact, I was jealous.

It turned out it was for good reason. Less than three months after Raven had hopped off the plane, Sheila had left my ass high and dry, leaving behind nothing but a five-sentence note.


What can I say? I love dick, but I love pussy more. I’m sure you’ll find someone else. I’m in love with Raven and I need her in my life. I’m sorry.

Thanks for everything,


Thanks for everything? I didn’t invite her over for Thanksgiving dinner. I didn’t loan her a cup of sugar. I’d given her my heart, two years of my life, and a Benz. She’d given me five sentences and a “thanks for everything.”

I dropped Precious off fifteen minutes later. She got out and slammed the door. I pulled off before she even reached the stoop of Mona’s townhouse. Forget about seeing her in safely. Even a blind crack addict wouldn’t want to attack her funky ass.

On the way to my penthouse in Southwest, I passed the First Community Bank. Rayne Waters’s bank. Now she was the total package. Beautiful, sexy, a good job. More than likely taken. I decided to go back into the bank on Monday to find out for sure.



If I’d had the slightest suspicion that my mother would call me on a Friday night, I would’ve gone to Passion with Chance and Ricky with a quickness.

“Rayne, I’m glad I caught you in,” she squealed into the phone. “I need to talk to you.”

“What’s going on, Momma?” I plopped down on my sofa, debating about fixing a cocktail to help me get through the conversation. “I thought you’d be down at the Eagle.”

“The Eagle has played out.”

Tags: Zane Erotic