Page 21 of Afterburn

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“Promise you won’t get mad.”

I had to laugh at that one. I figured it must’ve been a doozy. “No, I won’t get mad.”

“I used to be a stripper, but I gave that up.”

“Why’d you give it up?”

“Gary, he’s my youngest son’s daddy, he threatened to take Gary, Jr. away from me if I didn’t quit. He has a lot of damn nerve, considering he met me at work. He paid me twenty dollars to let him lick whipped cream off my toes.”

I instantly felt sick to my stomach. I wondered if she’d had fake toenails at the time.

“He told me quit, or I’m taking your ass to court. Out of all my kids, I love Gary, Jr. the most. I couldn’t have that.”

What type of woman would openly play favorites amongst her kids? Precious really had some issues.

“So what are you doing to support your kids?” I asked.

“I get child support from four of my exes. One’s locked up so he doesn’t have any damn money. I get a state check as well.”

Great! Five babies’ daddies and on welfare.

“I see.”

“I had a gig for a while with Animal Control but I hated it. They had my ass out on the middle of highways picking up dead deer and chasing wild dogs all over the place. I was scared as shit sometimes.”

Part of me wondered who was more scared; Precious or the animals.

Precious reached over and started rubbing my thigh. “Yardley, can I ask you something?”

I removed her hand. “Please don’t do that. It messes with my driving.”

“I’m sorry.” She pushed her breasts up with her hands like she was adjusting them in her bra. Fake or not, I’d never lay a finger on them. “I was wondering if you’d ever kept a woman.”

“Are you serious?” I asked incredulously. “No, I’ve definitely never kept a woman.”

“Would you consider keeping one?”

“No, I wouldn’t consider keeping one.”

“Look, I’m going to cut the bullshit okay? I’m in a bind. I need to get away from Atlanta because I got mixed up with the wrong man and he got me involved in some illegal shit.”

“Precious, I’m sorry to hear that.” My nosy side wanted to inquire about details, but my wise side told me to leave well enough alone. “Sounds like you need a lawyer; not a man. Either way, I can’t do a thing for you, my sister.”

That was when she practically climbed over the gear shift, throwing a thigh over it to rub up against mine and clawing at my dick with her hand.

I pulled my car over on the side of Pennsylvania Avenue. We’d just crossed the Maryland State Line.

“Precious, I asked you not to grope all over me. I’m not trying to wreck my car.”

“I can fuck you so hard, you’ll cry,” she told me, trying to sound seductive.

All I could do was laugh. Me crying over some punta? Never.

“Oh, you think that shit’s funny?” she asked angrily.

“Actually, I think it’s hilarious.”

She put her leg back down on the passenger seat and rubbed her Elvira nails up and down her midriff. “I’m offering you all this and you see me as a fucking joke?”

Tags: Zane Erotic