Page 27 of Honey Flava

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Garver was bisheinen, handsome and suave. He tried to hide his Asian ancestry behind blond hair and blue contacts. I always had a thing for Asian men. They exuded intelligence, confidence, arrogance, and, more times than not, money. Other than for his almond eyes and tanned skin, one wouldn’t have known that Garver, who I later found out was birth-named Takahiro, was Asian at all. There was no coincidence that my favorite play pal was aptly named Wang.

It was late one evening when I received a call from Sakura. I could tell she had been crying so I invited her over to talk. Truthfully, she was the only friend I had made at the company. The other women in our department were so damned phony that I didn’t bother trying to make them part of my circle. They weren’t worthy of my friendship or the company perks that came along with it.

An hour or so had passed when the slamming of the front door startled me. I was silent as Sakura pounded on my floor screaming with such pain that I felt it in my very soul. Bastard…son of a bitch…ass… all yelled in her native tongue. I knew her worst fears had come true.

I clung to her every word as she spewed the details of seeing Garver with another woman. I felt bad for my friend, but I was getting turned on as I listened to all the details. I decided to make us some tea to help calm her nerves. While I was in the kitchen, I heard my CD player come on. I opted for wine and grabbed two bottles of my favorite sake, Ozeki, from the wine rack. Sakura was swaying to the mellow tune with her eyes closed trying to drift away.

I sat both glasses on the table, which brought her out of her trance. We sat on the love seat and finished the first bottle in less than thirty minutes. I began to get a little loose and bopped to the music as well. I commented on her sensual selections and she started sobbing once more. Through the sobs, she told me it was a CD for Garver. Suddenly she hopped off the couch and retrieved her bag from the table. She handed me a pink Victoria’s Secret bag and instructed me to open it while she poured us glasses from the newly opened bottle of wine. I held up the tiny garment.

“This is what he is missing.” She continued, “Wanna see what it looks like?”

She disappeared into the bathroom and returned moments later. The moonlight shone on something so beautiful that not even Harunobu himself could have captured its detail. Sakura was utsukushii, beautiful. Her long tresses were pinned up, her makeup was flawless, and the silk kimono was absolutely beautiful. She stood there for a moment with a little sassiness as she switched from side to side.

“Nani? What? You like?” she asked.

“Zettaini sou desu. Absolutely.” I nodded.

“Wait.” She slowly let the kimono fall to the floor.

I watched as she slowly walked toward me. I tried desperately not to stare at her breasts bulging from the bra. I noticed an opening in the bra that allowed her bronze nipples to wink at me. She twirled around and I almost salivated when I saw the thin thread of her thong disappear between her smooth ass cheeks.

“You like?” she asked once more.

I nodded. At least, I think I did.

Sakura sat on the love seat and patted the space beside her. I tried to maintain my composure and not let on how much I wanted to reach out to pinch her nipples and my own. She shivered slightly as she scooted back on the cool leather. Even in the dim light, I could see the cool air teasing her flesh, making her strain against her already tight bra.

Sakura propped her newly pedicured feet across my lap. She wiggled her toes, which indicated she wanted me to rub her feet. Her voice coolly guided my hands farther and farther up her thigh. I held my breath when I reached the folds of her sex. I didn’t have the nerve to tread farther, so massaged back down her leg and rested it on my right thigh. I went through the same process with her other leg, but this time I allowed my index finger to glide ever so slightly down the crevice of her cunt as a moan escaped her aka, red-glossed lips.

“Now I do you,” she said as she swung her feet to the floor.

I attempted to prop my feet across her lap as she had done mine, but she stopped them in midair.

“No, I show you what I learn. Kinasai, come,” she instructed as she pulled me from my seat and led me to the guest room I had prepared for her.

“You take clothes off and lie on bed.” She sounded forceful but graceful in her orders.

I took off my shirt and proudly showed off my blessed bosom. I hesitated with taking my bottoms off. This was one moment that I wished I had worn underwear.

“All off. Now!” Her words cut through the overly lit room.

On instinct, I dropped my sweats to the floor and stood there naked. I prayed that she didn’t notice the glistening trail my juices coated my inner thighs with.

“Lie down on back,” she said as she grasped my shoulders and eased me to the edge of the bed.

The chill in the air kissed my body with its cruel lips, lingering more on my nipples than any other area. I looked at Sakura as her eyes burned into my flesh.

“Miryoku-teki. You are attractive woman, but we have problem,” she said, reaching into the bag.

“You lie still. Ochitsuite, relax.” Her words eased my worries.

I closed my eyes tightly. I felt something cold and hard traipse down my chest. The metal against my body caused me to flinch and heightened my senses. It stopped at my mound, then I heard the shears open and close. With each movement I felt my pubic hair being cut away like overgrown hedges. I had never thought about shaving myself until I’d noticed Sakura’s smooth mound while I rubbed her feet. Then, I heard the buzzing of the clippers. I felt a skillful hand, starting at the top, sweep down first the outer areas and then the middle. Sakura’s soft hands followed each newly smoothed area.

Suddenly I felt the clippers move closer to my clit. The vibrations sent waves of ecstasy through me, and I knew Sakura could see the dampness between my legs. I felt a warmed washcloth wipe away the remaining traces of hair. I let out a long, deep sigh.

For a long moment, nothing happened. I peeped around and Sakura was nowhere in sight. Disappointed, I left the guest room and heard Sakura faintly sobbing on the love seat. I went into my bedroom, slid between my black satin sheets, and tried to relax. As much as I fought the urges, I reached into my nightstand, and Wang was right there ready as usual to never judge, but always satisfy. I hesitated because I knew he could be a little loud at times. After much debate, I didn’t care.

I let Wang explore my freshly shaved sex, and he approved so much that he brought me to my first orgasm in seconds. I was so involved with Wang whispering beneath my blanket that I didn’t notice that Sakura was sitting across from me on my chaise lounge. I stopped abruptly and turned off my vibrator.

Tags: Zane Erotic