Page 26 of Honey Flava

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She raised her head and stared above all the heads. It declared her power with the force of her stance. This was a testimony to her strength, her prowess, and her ability to be as she was.

He nodded his head in agreement, approving of her steeled spine and calm face. Winked at her, before he moved behind, reaching hands around and down between her legs.

She convulsed at his touch. Her senses wringing rapture from her mouth, her cunt wet in its decadent display, she performed the command—his, hers, and both of theirs as one.

He stepped away and clapped his hands again. The men disappeared as quickly and quietly as they had once come in.

Alone again, she stared into his eyes, feeling stronger, yet unsure.

As if reading her mind, he laughed. “Don’t you know my greatest pleasure is pleasing you. Every time an orgasm slides from your throat, I am renewed.” He reached to the floor and drew a small knife from his robe. “I feed on passion, like air streaming against the dragon’s wings and energy through spirit’s eye. You are my burst of breath, and I have a thousand ways I wish to raise and feed both of our desires.”

The knife slid against rope and ring, freeing first hands, then feet, until released, she was free of pillar and floor.

Gently, he lowered her bound form to the ground.

Her breathed whooshed out in a soft huff. Cold jade touched heated flesh, shocking, then easing the places where the blood was held, where the rope had plumped her skin higher.

He put the knife away and slowly began to unwind the rope. First one, then another, working his way up. He freed her torso, then removed the ropes from her arms. Hands rubbed continually in light or heavy strokes as needed. She couldn’t articulate anything, just felt the surge of rushing blood.

He was hovering over her, pushing his cock in, sliding on the wet warmth and fitting so tightly, caught in her wedge.

She felt him bumping to the top of her cervix, a darling and heated kiss. Again and again, he hit that spot, making her arms grab for him. The sensations were so overwhelming, blood pumping so hard and him inside, that by the time her limbs obeyed her, all they could do was grab him and hold on for the ride.

Nails sank into his shoulders, and she heard a noise of protest, but he didn’t adjust or move her, just pushed deeper.

The pulse in her womb joined the pulse in her veins, and her body tightened hard. She screamed on the near-pain sensation. Orgasm spilled through her, her pussy catching his cock and squeezing tight. It gripped him as if this were their last second on earth and their climaxes took them apart.

His cries echoed hers, as he was trapped with ferocity in her sheath. Muscles bulged on his arms, and his seed spurted deep.

The heat of the dragon held them, let them pulse in each other’s arms, cascades of orgasms bringing sighs in equal parts. She hardly dared close her eyes for fear of missing a moment of the pleasure on his face. This was the man she had vowed to love, and it rekindled the newness of the lovers’ embrace. “Will every time be like this?” The words came before she could stop their exit. Too dear had been the moment, and she didn’t want it to be spoiled.

His grin was that of the boy, and for now it stayed on his face. A gleam of inquiry hinted at the corners, though his will was seated firmly and indelibly in place. “What is it you seek, my sweet Ginger? You only wished me master for a day.”

“Perhaps I should examine the idea more closely.” She blushed. “I feel the best of me rising. There is more of me now than there was earlier today. I feel strength where there was trepidation.”

He rolled them over, so she lay on top and his heated skin touched the cool of the jade. Hands rubbed along her flesh. “You’ve already taken the first step to be taught, if you believe it is so. Tell me what you desire.”

“Bring me to the dragon and let me breathe his fire.” This time the words felt right and she knew exactly what she sought. “I want you, and the best of me. I can’t define it and I won’t. But I know what released in me: the touch of great power.”

The curiosity behind his question drained from his eyes. “Yes, a goddess who encompasses warrior energy. My sweet Ginger welcomes desire.” Hands squeezed her shoulders. He laid his lips to hers. Against her mouth he vowed, “Always, I protect what I treasure, the sweetness of my Ginger, and the pleasure of her fire.”

May I Ask a Favor of You?

Onegai-shite-mo iidesu-ka


I DREW THE BLINDS so that just a hue of light shone through. I had to create a certain ambience for myself that allowed me to escape the walls of my exquisitely furnished office suit and journey to the realms that only Wang could take me. I know it must sound silly to name an inanimate object, but I liked to have a personal relationship with anything and everyone that I had such intimacy with. Wang and I had been through so many difficult times together. He was there during my first two breakups, my divorce, and the passing of my best friend. He was also there for the good times. He was with me during my first promotion, we celebrated my thirtieth birthday together, and he sang for me and my last assistant when she found out her husband was cheating on her.

Her name was Sakura. She was actually with the company pr

ior to my coming on board. She captivated me the moment I met her. She wasn’t the timid Asian woman that was often portrayed on television. She had style, class, and confidence. She introduced me to the world of Jimmy Choo and Manolo Blahnik.

Sakura wasn’t the average height for an Asian woman. I was five feet six inches, and without her heels she still towered over me. When you’d see her, the first thing that came to mind was model in every sense of the word. Her ebony hair was a beautiful contrast to her flawless, light skin. She wasn’t skinny but had natural curves, and even her 36D bosom didn’t look out of place on her size 4 frame.

Over the next few months, many employees came and went, which opened doors in higher ranks for Sakura. She and I had become fast friends, and I felt guilty for my previous thoughts about her. She was not the bitch that I’d presumed her to be. She was warm and genuinely shinsetsu, kind.

Sakura confided in me that she thought Garver was cheating on her. I, too, sensed that he was probably having an affair, although he never approached me other than as a total professional. His travels became more frequent while Sakura stayed at home.

Tags: Zane Erotic