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“You mean you are here to make sure I don’t run away.”

I take a seat next to her as Michi pours me a cup of coffee. He’s whistling to himself, ignoring my sharp words.

My words don’t faze Adela. “I don’t need to be here to make sure you don’t run. You won’t run.”

I shake my head. “You Contis underestimate me.”

She chuckles. “I don’t think Caspian underestimates you at all. I think that’s why he’s fascinated with you. He doesn’t know what to do with you. And I’m not a Conti by the way, so don’t group me in with him.”

“I thought you were his sister?”

“I am. I’m just married. I’m a Caruso now.”

I stare at her in disbelief. I never expected her to be married. To have some resemblance of a normal life.

She smiles. “I’ve shocked you.”

I nod.

“Good, I didn’t think that was possible.”

“Omelette, okay?” Michi asks.

“Of course.”

He places the omelette in front of me. “My cooking may not be as good as Caspian’s, but mine is more reliable.”

I chuckle. “Caspian told you?”

He gives me a wink. “Yes, I guess I will have to work harder to gain your approval.”

“Your food is amazing. It’s just—”

“Caspian’s is better. You’re wrong, but I get it. When you love someone, it’s easy to look past their faults.”

“I do not love Caspian! He’s holding me captive. How could I love someone who took away my freedom?”

Adela sinks in her chair, as her and Michi exchange knowing glances.

Michi shakes his head at me. “Love is strange. You don’t get to choose it. It chooses you. I believe you if you don’t love him now, just be careful. Love sneaks up on you when you least expect it to.”

I take a bite of my omelette. I’m not going to argue with Michi about loving Caspian. It’s not possible for me to love a man who took my independence away, my choices away, for even one second.

I turn to Adela as Michi starts cleaning the dishes in the sink.

“You have the security footage of Dante’s house?”

She nods slowly, only looking at me out of the corner of her eye as she tries to sip her coffee casually.

“You had a camera in the room where I was kept?”

She nods even slower.

“I need to see. I need to know Caspian never touched me.”

She swallows her coffee, hard. “Are you sure?”


Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic