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I watch the screen as they break into Felix’s room. There is a gunfight, leaving many men injured, but in the end, the fight is between Felix and Enzo. Brother and brother.

They both put their guns down, deciding to fight with just their hands. That should make me feel better. Guns are dangerous, there is only so much damage that can happen when you can only use your fists. But I get a sinking feeling in my belly.

Because as the fight starts, I realize Felix is just as talented a fighter as Enzo. Every other fight I’ve watched Enzo fight, I know he’s going to win. But against Felix, I’m not sure. Their movements are too similar. Their creativity with throwing punches and kicks are on the same level. And the blood they spill from the other is the same.

I cringe with each punch.

But that isn’t what has me worried. When I glance at Arthur and Kent, they are just as captivated with what is happening on the screen. They have never seen someone attack Enzo like this. They are in awe of Felix. And if Felix wins, they could decide to make him the new leader.

Fuck, why did we think fighting him was a good idea?

I have to stop this.

I don’t think; I just dart out of the van.

“Ms. Black! Wait!” Arthur shouts.

But nothing can stop me. I need to get to Enzo. I need to stop this.

I run through the hotel lobby, choosing the stairs over the elevator even though Felix’s room is on the top floor. Floor eleven. My feet can run faster than the elevator can take me.

I reach the floor, panting and sweaty, but I'm relentless. I have the uncontrollable desire to keep going no matter what. I run to the door of the hotel room, throw it open, and the fight stops mid-punch as both men stare at me.

Enzo with fear.

Felix with joy. He thinks this is the moment he wins. He thinks he’ll be able to convince our entire team he deserves to be the leader. I know the men are in awe of his skills, but that’s not enough to become Black. It takes a lot more than the ability to fight. It takes bravery and courage and honor—something Felix doesn’t have.

“You’re fighting the wrong man, don’t you think?” I say.

Felix smirks.

Enzo’s eyes widen in terror. “Kai, no!”

/> But Felix grabs Enzo by the neck and tosses him hard to the ground. Enzo was distracted, and Felix didn’t fight fair.

“And who should I be fighting? You?” he asks.

“Yes, I’m the leader. I’m Black, not Enzo. Fight me.”

Felix’s mouth thins, his gaze burns like fire, and his jaw sets in stone. He’s trying to understand why I would start a fight I have no chance of winning.

I’m trying to figure it out myself. But the man who is beat up and bloody, still unconscious from Felix’s blow is the only answer I can come up with.

Enzo may have been the kind of man who put his own life on the line to fight to protect his men, but I’m counting on my men helping me out with this one. The only way we take Felix is together.

I walk into the center of the room, trying not to worry about Enzo still passed out. Enzo got some good punches in on Felix, his face is covered in blood and cuts, but it wasn’t enough. Felix is larger, faster, stronger.

Felix circles me, trying to decide the best way to fight me and still come out looking good to the team.

Come on, Felix. Punch me. In the face, preferably. One punch, and my men will attack.

At least, I hope they will. I’ve made a good impression on them, but will they risk their lives for me without me giving the order for them to?

I’m about to find out.

“This was foolish of you. You aren’t even going to get a punch in before I kill you,” Felix says.

“Stop stalling and fight me,” I say, putting my fists up.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark