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I let go of Enzo’s hand, who stands near the door to give Langston and me a moment alone.

“How are you feeling?” I ask him, sitting on the other side of the bed across from a sleeping Liesel.

“Better than I look.”

I smile weakly. “You do look pretty beat up.”

He takes my hand, and his eyes meet mine before dropping to my stomach for the smallest of seconds. Asking me what he needs to without actually saying the words.

I smile the brightest I have in a while thinking about the memory of hearing my baby’s heartbeat for the first time and nod.

He squeezes my hand tighter. “I’m so happy you are going to be alright.”

“We need to go. We have to discuss a plan to take out Felix.”

He frowns, looking from me to Enzo. “You planning an attack without me?”

“Don’t worry, we plan on capturing him and torturing him slowly. So you’ll get your shot at him,” Enzo says.

“Good,” Langston answers.

Liesel snores, and we all giggle at the sudden sound.

“Take care of her,” I say, with a wink before kissing Langston’s cheek. And then Enzo and I head out of the hospital to the nearest bar we own to discuss how to take out our latest enemy.

THE PLAN IS SIMPLE. Felix is staying in a hotel he and his team have taken over. We hacked the hotel’s security and found out which room he’s staying in. So we will ambush him.

And when I say we, I mean Enzo will lead a team of twenty men, while I will sit watching a security monitor and barking out anything helpful.

If the team doesn’t vote Enzo the leader after this, they are crazy. I’m not putting my life at risk to help them, Enzo is.

“You ready?” Enzo asks me from the door of the van I’m hiding in with Arthur and Kent, two of the nerdiest people I’ve ever met. But if we need to hack any more systems, they are the best we have.

“I should be asking if you are ready. I’m not the one doing anything.”

He grins and then kisses me firmly on the lips, not caring who sees us. “You are leading from exactly where you need to be. Just because you don’t have skill in hand to hand combat doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy of leading.”

“Go get Felix. He better hope you kill him, because I plan on cutting off his balls for what he’s put us through,” I say.

“I’ll relay the message.”


His lips hit mine again, and this time, it’s not chaste. It’s hard and fast. His tongue sweeps into my mouth as he tastes all that he can get of me. I moan back. Only the men staying with me in the van get a view of our makeout session, and I really don’t care what they think. Every time Enzo leaves me to go fight a dangerous man could be the last time I get to kiss him, so I make it the best damn kiss I can.

Enzo finally pulls away with a wink.

And then he’s gone.

And I’m staring at a grainy computer image, watching as Enzo and team of men and women I’m responsible for sneak into a hotel room to take out Felix.

“Are you okay, Ms. Black?” Arthur asks.

“Uh-huh,” I say, my knee bouncing up and down.

He smiles at me. “Mr. Black is the best I’ve ever seen. A bullet doesn’t hit him unless he wants the bullet to hit him. He will take out Felix no problem.”

“Thanks, Arthur.” But his words don’t make me feel any better.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark