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“Yes, Mr. Wallace.”

Milo walks away, and the staff member remains staring at me. “What can I get you to drink, Miss Miller?”

I consider for a second. The woman on Enzo’s arm is drinking champagne and looks sexy as hell. If I were smart, I’d drink the same. It’s a light drink I will be able to tolerate without getting too drunk. It’s a girly drink I would be expected to drink. But it’s not what I want. I used to be able to keep up drinking with the best of men. Six years going without a drink have made me unable to tolerate liquor, but tonight I’m afraid I’m going to need the strength of alcohol to get me through this.

“Scotch. Get me your best scotch.”

The staff member disappears to get what I demanded.

“I wasn’t sure you were going to make it,” Enzo says startling me.

How he can sneak up on me so easily drives me mad.

I turn to him with a large smile on my face.

“Doubting my abilities already? Not smart on your part,” I answer.

Enzo doesn’t hide his desire from me when he stares at me with large eyes even though his date is still hanging all over him.

“I would never doubt you.”


We both stare. Neither of us backing down.

“Introduce me, Enzo.”

Enzo frowns at his date’s comment, but I don’t know why. I want to be introduced to the bitch.

“Liesel, this is Kai,” Enzo says.

I smile when he introduces me as Kai instead of Katherine.

I hold out my hand, wanting to grip this woman’s hand.

She takes it, and then her eyes grow big when she spots the ring. I moved the ring from my left hand to the right so Milo wouldn’t know I am fake married. And I’m going by Kai Miller instead of Katherine Black, so hopefully, the news of our fake marriage hasn’t spread to Milo yet. I don’t know how much he knows Enzo. But as far as I know, Enzo hasn’t spread news of our marriage to anyone. And I’ve only told a handful of people at Surrender.

She throws my hand down and stares at Enzo. “You didn’t.”

Enzo takes a second to see what Liesel was staring at. “We aren’t legally married or married in any real way. I thought a fake marriage might be necessary for the men to accept her authority at Surrender, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea anymore. We had pictures taken and everything to announce our rushed wedding, but I haven’t released them yet. The only person who knows about our fake marriage is dead. So we have time to decide how to handle it.”

Liesel shakes her head, not caring about any of his words. “I fucking know you aren’t married you asshole. That’s not what I’m mad about.”

“Then what?”

“You gave her your mother’s ring.”

My eyes widen. How does she know that? This woman isn’t just a fling he brought here to make Milo jealous. This woman knows a lot. She didn’t seem surprised to see me or ask too many questions. She now knows about our fake marriage Enzo might not even be sharing with the world. And she knows about his mother’s ring.

“I did. She needed a security policy in case something happens.”

Liesel drops her fascade and crosses her arms glaring at him. “She doesn’t deserve your protection. And she sure as hell doesn’t deserve your ring.”

“Excuse me, sorry to interrupt,” the staff member from before says.

He holds out my scotch. “Here is your drink, Miss Miller.”

“Thank you,” I say taking it and realizing I need it more than I realized.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark