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But when I spotted Enzo, it all disappeared again, at least for a moment. Because all I felt was fire.

I force my eyes away, needing a moment without the pain of seeing him with another woman.

Enzo isn’t mine. I shouldn’t care, but I do.

The man my eyes land on are those of my target—Milo Wallace.

My lips part looking at the man who drips sex, much in the same way Enzo does.

This man is older though, by at least five years. But he carries himself with Enzo’s same cocky attitude.

And his desire shines when he looks at me.

He wants me.

That was easy.

I let my eyes drop in a bashful way, knowing I look out of place and my only hope of drawing him over is to play innocent.

It works.

I see the shine of his shoes stop in front of me.

“I’m Milo Wallace. And you are fucking gorgeous.”

My eyes slowly drift up to meet his.

I blush.

“I’m Kai Miller.”

He holds out his hand as I knew he would. I don’t let myself hesitate. I put my hand in his, swallowing down the pain at his touch.

I thought maybe a handsome man like Milo might be able to get through my defenses like Enzo does, but it’s not Enzo’s hotness that gets through. It’s his caring, charming way he protects me even when he wants to hurt me.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Miller,” he says holding my hand tightly as he leans down and kisses the top of it. “You are by far the most beautiful woman on my ship.”

“Just your yacht? I figured you would call me the most beautiful wo

man in the world if you are going to feed me a line so cheesy,” I say, trying to keep my confidence up as my hand burns with his touch.

I force the smile to stay on my lips and the twinkle in my eyes to remain, despite wanting to get off this boat as quickly as possible.

My words only intensify his desire. I can see it in his eyes, and the bulge in his pants.

Jesus, what am I getting myself into? This man is going to want to fuck me and who knows how many other women. I won’t be able to spread my legs if it comes down to it. And as soon as we leave the dock, I’m screwed. I won’t have a choice to leave if he wants me. That’s why men like him prefer the water to land. On the water, everyone is forced to play by his rules.

“I will have to work on my charm if I’m to be worthy of a woman like you.”

I let my eyes smoke trying to show desire instead of fear.

“Excuse me, Mr. Wallace. We need you to approve we are ready to set sail and confirm all guests are on board,” a man in a uniform says to Milo.

“Of course,” Milo looks at me. “But I can already tell you the only guest that matters has just arrived.” He winks at me.

He slowly releases my hand, and I can breathe again.

“I have business to attend to, unfortunately. I’ll only be gone a few minutes.” He turns to his staff member. “Ensure Miss Miller has a drink and whatever else she wants and that she finds her way to the VIP room.”

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark