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It’s not necessary to creep through the club silently, trying to be invisible. It’s not possible anyway. Not with the security cameras and men everywhere. Not when every man here knows exactly who I am. But it’s a habit I can’t break. I’m only visible, only heard when I want to be.

The thick door is shut to my father’s room, but I don’t knock. I turn the knob and step inside, letting the door fall closed behind me.

My lip twitches as I see my father sitting in his favorite chair toward the back of the room. Three women, more naked than clothed, dance around and on him. Two other men sit in chairs next to them. All have two fingers of the finest scotch in the glass in their hands.

This room serves as many things for my father.

His lair.

His office.

His sanctuary.

He’s fucked countless women in here and punished every man who has dared to cross him.

I don’t think he’d ever leave this room if he didn’t need to prowl the rest of the club and city to maintain his power.

“Gentleman and ladies, I need to speak with my father.”

The women look to my father for their cue what to do. My father’s gaze penetrates through me as he waves them off. They start walking toward the door in the back that leads out to another hallway. One of the women turns back winking at me as she runs her hand down her neck and across her pointed nipple—indicating she’d gladly fuck me later and wouldn’t care if I paid her like my father.

I understand why. The woman is in her early twenties. Most men in this club are in their thirties or forties. Some in their fifties. She would love to go a round with a man closer to her age. I may be seventeen, but my life experience has hardened me and makes me seem older.

Maybe I’ll find her later. I could use a fuck to get out some of my pent up energy. Especially after meeting Jocelyn. Gorgeous, intriguing, and a thief. Her deep sea-colored eyes will haunt me the rest of my life. Because as much as I’d like to find her and make her pay for stealing from me, I won’t. My reputation is still intact. No one knows she stole. And if I found her, I would punish her.



Until I possessed her.

Jocelyn deserves to be punished, but I’ve never dis

ciplined a woman before. Not because I’m too good, kind, or chivalrous.

One day I will. Whether by choice or necessity. And then my fall into darkness will be complete.

But I’m still young. I still have a drop of light left in my veins, and I’m not ready to relinquish it yet. Because if I touched her, I would ruin her.

Break her.

Own her.

The two gentlemen remain in their seats. I’ve known both men my whole life. They are two of my father’s best men. Highest in rank, and trusted with his very life. But I know what this meeting is about, and they won’t be privy to it.

“Alone,” I growl.

I may be half their age. I may be heir to this kingdom. But I’ve earned my right to get to speak to the king alone. Being his son has nothing to do with it.

The threat of what I’d do if the men stayed is evident in my voice. I don’t care if they are my father’s men. I would kill them.

Both men start to turn to my father to ask what to do, but my unyielding glare along with the low rumble of my throat make them rethink their plans. They stand immediately, and head for the door the women exited through.

My father smirks as they leave.

“Good to know you are finally learning something from your old man,” he says.

I ignore him as I take a seat in the chair his number two emptied. I help myself to the glass of scotch Baldwin left as he scurried out like a worried rat.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark