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Not my family.

My family will forever be haunted by the ghost of my mother. If only her body had given up when her spirit did, then we would just have thousands of dollars in debt to repay instead of millions.

Then my father wouldn’t have to take on more loans from nefarious people to pay the medical bills that never end.

Then I would be able to attend school instead of working all day long.

Then maybe father and I would have a relationship beyond two people merely surviving in the same trailer.

That’s not life.

That’s a fairytale.

I watch as my father closes his eyes. Sometimes I think he’d rather stay on the fancy yachts, away from here, where even his debts can’t find him. Instead of coming home to this dump. I haven’t seen him for three weeks, but it makes no difference to me. He’s the only family I have and just as he works to protect me, I work to protect him.

I don’t wake him as I head out the door, even though I should, to ensure he pushes the broom handle back through the door, so he’s safe. I just slip out of the trailer and start my long walk to the docks. Because even though I stole over seven grand today, it’s not enough.

It’s never enough.

I ensured our survival for one more day. But we don’t have enough for food for tomorrow. And now, I have my own debt to repay.



I step into Surrender and my eyes automatically darken. The club’s name is simple and is a little on the nose. There are no windows and very few lights. It’s like stepping into darkness, forcing you to relinquish your sight, body, and soul when you enter.

My spine straightens, my lips thin, and every muscle in my body tightens as I morph into the cruel vulture I was taught to be. Gone is the boy I only occasionally let out when I think no one is looking. Everyone’s eyes fall on me as soon as I step foot into the club. I’m underage, far too young to be in a place like this. But I’ve been coming here since I was seven. This club is what twisted my soul and made sure when I die I won’t be going anywhere but hell.

My eyes don’t acknowledge the stares as I walk. I know better than to give any of the drunks sitting near the entrance the time of day. They only come here to gawk at the dancing women, get drunk, and forget.

I envy them. They live a simple life, one where drinking actually makes them forget, because the worst they have to ignore is their cheating wives or inability to pay rent from their pathetic jobs.

It’s the men that sit further into the club I have to worry about. They are the ones who have real money. They have power.

I walk deeper into the club, keeping my head up. I won’t make eye contact with any of them, but I feel their eyes on me.

I’m the youngest man in this club and despite being younger, smaller, weaker; I’m their prince. This is all mine to collect.

Mine to rule.

Mine to control.

And because I’m the prince, every man here wants me dead.

I haven’t earned the right to rule them, but I will. I don’t have a choice if I want to live.

But for now, I get to continue breathing. I’ve made the mistake before, of staring at one of the men. It was a mistake I won’t repeat. Fights don’t break out in the club often; it’s not allowed unless it’s part of the entertainment. But each man in here feels they have to protect their pride, and when that pride is challenged, they fight. No rule is going to stop them.

I can fight. I’ve won plenty, lost more. Sometimes I come here seeking them out, wanting to feel the pain and adrenaline, the high that only comes when my fist connects with a jaw as blood spurts in my face. But today isn’t that day.

And I’ve gained enough respect after my last fight that most here wouldn’t dare to threaten me. At least not personally. They would send some of their minions to fight against me. Most likely sending several men to a fight that wouldn’t be fair.

My lips curl up into a smirk as I think back to my last fight where I broke a glass and used the shards to draw blood against my weaponless opponent. Not that I fight fair either.

Deeper and deeper I descend into the abyss, into the cave of the club that will one day be mine. My heart grows darker along with the light surrounding me. There are no windows this deep into the club. The light from the lamps only illuminates how black the room is.

I don’t need the light to guide me; I know how many steps it takes to get to my father’s room. I know where to avoid stepping to keep my feet silent, instead of making the hardwood floor creak. I know where to walk to stay in the shadows instead of shimmering in the light.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark