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And then it starts.


So many hands touching my body that I can’t keep track.

Being sensory deprived like this makes it impossible to tune out the touching, the feeling. It all becomes more intensified. A light brush of a hand feels like a million nerve endings bursting. A rough grasp feels like a bone breaking. A slap feels like a gale-force wind hitting my face.

I can’t anticipate a touch or a slap.

I can’t decipher if the feelings are enjoyable or perverted.

I can’t fight back.

I’m helpless.

The one place I never thought I’d be.

Hands start invading my body. Gripping my breasts. Spreading my legs. Dipping into my pussy, my asshole.

Make it stop.

Make it all go away.

Langston. Think about Langston. Think about what you are doing to him, for him. Think about all that you’ve lost. Think about who you are doing this for.



I’m dragged out of the room by my arms. I don’t know where I’m being taken, and I don’t care. My mind is on a loop of all things Liesel.

My brain has decided for the moment that Liesel’s snarky comments are my favorite thing about her, replaying her highlights.

“One touch and your cock is as hard as steel.”

“One kiss and I’m all you can think about.”

“This is war, killer.”

I smile at the last one.

A door opens in front of me, and the men turn us sideways so we can all fit through. Then, I’m being shoved into a tub. Warm water and bath salts sting my back, but I don’t even have the energy to hiss or protest.

“Stay in the water for at least a half-hour. It will help. To your left, there is a tray of food for you to eat and a remote to turn off the TV if you prefer not to watch. The next challenge starts in five minutes,” one of the men says.

And then they leave.

I tilt my head up. I’m in a bathroom, soaking in a large tub filled with bath salts that have started to soothe the ache on my back.

Why do I feel so weak? I don’t remember them doing anything that should make me feel this terrible.

I inhale and get a whiff of a burger.

I turn to my left, and I find a gourmet looking burger, a milkshake, fries, a pizza, a salad, and some cake looking thing. I want it all.

I grab the milkshake first, knowing I’ll be able to get those calories in with the least amount of effort. Then I can move to what my stomach is really craving: that damn burger.

I suck down the milkshake. Within seconds, my headache is gone, and my head clears.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark