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A schemer.

She knows how to draw men in with her words. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She chose her story well and spun the web of lies so tightly that it’s hard to make out which parts are the truths and which parts are the lies.

It pisses me off. I should be able to tell. I know practically everything there is to know about this woman—except for one missing piece. A piece she will eventually tell me, but not without a fight.

She w

on’t fight with her fists. She’ll fight with lies. Cruel, merciless lies that will be carved into my heart forever. There is no way to verify which parts are true and which parts aren’t.

But I know she lied.

I can verify at least one part of her story that isn’t true. And the fact that she didn’t fight me when I called her a liar tells me she did indeed lie.

But how much of it was a lie?

I march through the darkness away from the fire, away from her. If I stay, I’ll do something I’ll regret.

I start jogging as my eyes adjust to the darkness. Working for Enzo and Kai has trained me to see through the jet black night, but it’s still careless. I shouldn’t leave Liesel alone. I shouldn’t run when one wrong step could mean I fall off a cliff or get attacked by a wild animal.

I run from Liesel, but it’s more like I’m running from her words. God, how her words cut me deep.

It hurts.

It all hurts.

Liesel blames me for the rape, just like she blames Enzo.

I should have been there for her. I should have saved her just like Enzo should have.

But I wasn’t watching her on the security cameras. I didn’t know. At the time, I was in charge of security at the clubs, not at the house. I was good at hacking back then, but the cameras at the house were the most sophisticated we had. I’m not even sure if I was capable of hacking the system to watch out for her then.

Liesel knows that.

But her words cut me nonetheless. They hurt because despite what she says, I do have a heart—one I’ve tried to eliminate every chance I’ve gotten. My life would be much easier if I could. But as hard as I’ve tried, it’s still there.

It just doesn’t feel the same way about Liesel as it once did.

All her words rip through me, shredding me to pieces.

The rape.

God, she’s told the story before, but hearing it tonight with no one else but us, it hit me harder.

She was just a girl.

We should have protected her.

We failed.

As hard as it was to hear the details again, it was harder to hear of her and Enzo.

How they kissed.

How she wanted him.

Could have loved him.

Maybe even would have ended up with Enzo if it wasn’t for his dad.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark