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Instead, I returned.

To find the man who sold me.

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She saved me. And now, seeing her about to be sold to the highest bidder, it’s my turn to save her.

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Vicious Lies Chapter One


I will kill you.

I read the words on the piece of paper in my hand. Who puts death threats in the mail anymore? It seems archaic and old-timey. There are so many better ways to send a threat: a phone call, a text message, an email.

An in-person act of violence really sends a message too, if you really have the balls.

Why write a letter?

Because he’s a coward.

I consider tossing the letter in the trash and not taking the issue any further, forgetting that it even happened. But I didn’t survive this long by tossing away idle threats.

I will kill you.

This isn’t the first time someone has made a threat like this against me.

I will kill everyone you love.

Again, not new. I just thought I was passed this part of my life. I thought I was done living in this dangerous, vicious world. One where there are no winners—at least, I never win. I just survive.

I thought, just like letter writing, this part of my life was buried in the past.

I tap my painted red nails against my desk as I read the letter over two more times. Nothing hints at who the author is. There is no name scrolled across the bottom. Like I thought—wuss.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t hints of who my enemy is. The way the letter is scribed tells me it’s a man who wrote it. It was scribbled quickly with a pen almost out of ink on a piece of computer paper. This note was written last minute; it wasn’t thought through.

And it didn’t arrive in an envelope in the mail. It was stuffed loosely into the mailbox. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found fingerprints.

Whoever sent this is an amateur, or at least, wants me to think he’s an amateur.

I’m not an amateur. As much as I never thought I would know how to hold a gun, fire a weapon, hunt down men, rescue myself, I’ve never had a choice in the matter. My entire life I’ve lived in a cruel underworld of men who controlled everything. Men who had no right to own anything. Men who ruled with guns and darkness in their hearts, taking no prisoners. Taking what they wanted without concern of whom they hurt.

I used to be a princess in a world filled with dangerous men. I used to have friends who would protect me above everything else.

But things started slowly changing when my best friend, Enzo Black, fell in love. And then Zeke, my other protector, fell in love next. It’s only a matter of time until Langston, the playboy of the group, falls in love.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark