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“Is what true? You’re going to have to be a little more specific. My mother just died, and my father decided to show up after fifteen years of running and dropped a bomb on me.”

Langston’s nostrils flare.

“Is. It. True?”

“I. Don’t. Know. What. You’re. Talking. About.” I point my finger at him as I talk.

He doesn’t back down, but I don’t have the patience to deal with him. I grab my car door and climb in. He catches the door right before I slam it in his face.

One tense moment.

He slams the door.

I drive away.

I’ll deal with Langston later.

I look at the envelope in my hand after a few miles, deciding I should just pull over at the nearest Starbucks to read it and blow off whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory my father stumbled on in a drugged up state.

I do a double-take—the letter is torn.

Right in half.

Langston. The asshole tore the envelope when he grabbed the car door.

Dammit—I pull over and slam my hands against the steering wheel.

I take a deep breath, composing myself, and then I open the letter and read.

I read every word on my half.

The words reverberate in my core; they’re true. But I only have half of the secret. Langston has the other half.

My father was worried about the treasure staying hidden. He won’t have to worry, though. There is no way Langston will give up his half of the secret, and there is no way I’ll give up mine to him.

The treasure is safe.

Lie, Liesel—it’s the only way to stay alive.

My father meant to warn me with his words. He didn’t know that lying is all I do. Lying has kept me alive, even when I wish I had died.

I laugh, staring at the letter.

There is no way any of this is true. It’s all a lie, yet another lie Langston and I share. A lie we will never reveal, just like all the other lies from our past.

Thank you so much for reading Lies We Share: A Prologue! Langston & Liesel’s story continues in Vicious Lies.

* * *

She needs a hitman. I answer her call. I’ll do her this favor. But she’ll owe me a debt. And I plan on collecting…

One-click VICIOUS LIES now >

“AMAZING ! Talk about edge of your seat suspenseful, non-put-down-able, emotional and gut wrenching book. WOW, just WOW!” —Reviewer

Haven’t read Enzo and Kai’s story yet?

I should have run away, found a new life, and started over.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark